Decisions for issue Speed Trials

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Issue - decisions

Speed Trials

23/01/2014 - Speed Trials

RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee grants landlord’s consent to Brighton & Hove Motor Club, subject to any guidance given by the Safety Advisory Group to the council and the conditions of any permit or licence issued by the Motor Sports Association and the Auto-Cycle Union, to stage the Brighton Speed Trials on Madeira Drive on 6th September 2014 and for the following 2 years (in line with other events that are agreed for 3 years), further subject to a condition requiring the organisers to fund all associated costs, including essential safety requirements needed for the event to take place, on the basis that the organisers will retain income from the event and will fully indemnify the council against compensation claims made against it as a result of any accidents during the Speed Trials in the future; and


(2) That the Committee approves a payment of a hire fee for the event by Brighton & Hove Motor Club.


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