Decisions for issue Withdean Sports Complex – Climbing Wall

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Withdean Sports Complex – Climbing Wall

19/09/2013 - Withdean Sports Complex – Climbing Wall

22.1         The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive and the Executive Director Finance and Resources detailing a proposal to install a new climbing wall in the indoor tennis centre at Withdean Sports Complex. The proposed climbing wall would occupy the space of one of the three indoor tennis courts. It was confirmed that the two remaining courts would still be available for use.






22.--    RESOLVED - That Economic Development & Culture Committee;


            (i) Approves the installation of a new climbing wall at Withdean Sports Complex to be operated by High Sports Ltd; and


            (ii) Notes that, to implement recommendation (i) if agreed, the council will grant a lease direct to High Sports Ltd under powers delegated to the Head of Property and Design; and consequential amendments to the Sports Facilities Contract with Freedom Leisure will be managed and implemented under powers delegated to the Assistant Chief Executive.


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