Decisions for issue Seven Dials Improvement Project - Consultation Results and Way Forward

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Seven Dials Improvement Project - Consultation Results and Way Forward

16/01/2013 - Seven Dials Improvement Project - Consultation Results and Way Forward

1.         That the Transport Committee notes the results of the public consultation exercise.


2.      That, having taken into account the responses received, committee authorises officers to proceed with implementation of the revised Seven Dials Improvement Scheme as outlined in Appendix 4.


3.         That the committee authorises officers to advertise a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for changes to loading bay provision in Dyke Road.  This change is not an integral part of the scheme and therefore progression of the overall Seven Dials scheme is not dependent on this element. 


4.         That the committee agrees to monitor the impact on surrounding residential streets six months after scheme implementation, to ensure that traffic levels have not significantly increased as a direct result of the Seven Dials scheme.  If it is discovered that traffic levels in residential streets have increased significantly, then residents in those streets affected would be consulted with a view to agreeing an acceptable solution.  Funding from the 2014/15 Local Transport Plan Capital Budget would be set aside for any measures deemed necessary.



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