Decisions for issue The Council’s Equality Policy and Action Plan

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The Council’s Equality Policy and Action Plan

01/05/2012 - The Council’s Equality Policy and Action Plan

85.1         Councillor Duncan introduced the report and stated that it was an important policy and one that had been updated for 2012-15 and replaced the previous Single Equality Scheme and Working Towards an Inclusive City Policy.  He hoped that the new policy would lead to greater joint working and improved accessibility to all and thereby create a more equal city.


85.2         Councillor Gilbey welcomed the report and the approach to tackling issues such as domestic violence, hate crime through to employment.  She hoped that the new policy would clarify matters for staff and looked forward to it having a positive impact for all concerned.


85.3         Councillor Cobb welcomed the report and stated that she wished to thank the officers concerned for all their hard work in putting the policy together and ensuring that it was fully inclusive.  She also noted that the council had achieved level 3 of the Equality Standard and hoped that this would be maintained.


85.4         The Mayor noted that the report had been moved and put the recommendations to the vote.


85.5         RESOLVED:


(1)         That the Equality and Inclusion Policy 2012-15 as set out in appendix 1 to the report be agreed;


(2)         That it be noted that the corporate actions to deliver on the objectives as set out in Section 2 of the Policy, and that a full, measurable action plan would be developed through consultation to support the agreed objectives, for submission to the appropriate committee after consultation.

15/03/2012 - The Council’s Equality Policy and Action Plan

(1)               That the draft Equality and Inclusion Policy (2012-15) as set out in appendix 1 to the report be agreed;


(2)               That the draft Equality and inclusion Policy (2012-15) be recommended to the Full Council for approval; and


(3)               That it be noted that the corporate actions to deliver on the objectives as set out in Section 2 of the Policy, and that a full, measurable action plan will be developed through consultation to support the agreed objectives, for  submission to the appropriate Committee after consultation.


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