Decisions for issue Sure Start Capital and Fairlight Children's Centre

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Sure Start Capital and Fairlight Children's Centre

04/01/2010 - Sure Start Capital and Fairlight Children's Centre

1.       That the creation of a new Children’s Centre venue at Fairlight School be agreed at a cost of £100,000, by converting an existing classroom and creating a separate entrance to be funded from the reduction in funding for Shenfield Way from £200,000 to £100,000 – Surestart Capital Programme to be amended accordingly.


2.       That the change of the status of the Saltdean and Goldstone Children’s Centres be agreed so that they are not designated centres that will be inspected by Ofsted.  They will continue to be known locally as Children’s Centres and offer services in the same way as Bevendean and Coldean Children’s Centres.


3.       That some changes in the Sure Start capital programme be agreed, which include reducing the funding for Shenfield Way from £200,00 to £100,000 and increasing the funding for Hollingbury Park (from £500,000 to £600,000) from the unallocated balance of Quality and Access Sure Start grant – Sure Start Capital Programme to be amended accordingly.



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