Decisions for issue Rottingdean Parish Neighbourhood Plan - Decision Statement

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Rottingdean Parish Neighbourhood Plan - Decision Statement

08/12/2023 - Rottingdean Parish Neighbourhood Plan - Decision Statement



That Committee recommends to Council:


1. To determine that the Rottingdean Parish Neighbourhood Plan be modified according to the recommendations in the independent examiner’s report and as set out in the attached Decision Statement (Appendix 1) and that the Decision Statement be published.


2. To approve the examiner’s recommendation that the Neighbourhood Plan proceed to referendum, subject to modifications set out in the Decision Statement. The referendum area is the Rottingdean Parish Neighbourhood Area.


3. In the event that more than 50% of those voting support the Neighbourhood Plan at referendum, that the Council formally ‘makes’ the Rottingdean Parish Neighbourhood Plan at its next meeting following the referendum.


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