Agenda item - BH2015/04184 -Court Farm House, King George VI Avenue, Hove - Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2015/04184 -Court Farm House, King George VI Avenue, Hove - Full Planning

Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 2no three storey blocks (one with basement parking) and 2no part three part four storey blocks containing 69no one, two and three bedroom flats (C3) (including 28no affordable housing units). Provision of 107 parking spaces, (67no at basement level and 40no at surface level) and 132 cycle spaces with associated landscaping and altered site access arrangements.


Ward Affected: Hangleton & Knoll


Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 2no three storey blocks (one with basement parking) and 2no part three part four storey blocks containing 69no one, two and three bedroom flats (C3) (including 28no affordable housing units). Provision of 107 parking spaces, (67no at basement level and 40no at surface level) and 132 cycle spaces with associated landscaping and altered site access arrangements.


(1)             It was noted that this application had formed the subject of a site visit prior to the meeting.


(2)             The Principal Planning Officer, Liz Arnold, gave a presentation detailing the proposed scheme by reference to plans, elevational drawings and photographs.It was explained that the main considerations in the determination of this application related to the principle of the proposed development and its impacts on the visual amenities of the site and surrounding area, including the setting of the South Downs National Park and Woodland Drive Conservation Area. The proposed access arrangements and related traffic implications, impacts upon amenity of neighbouring properties, future occupiers' amenity, ecology, and sustainability impacts had also needed to be assessed. The City Plan Part 1 Inspector's Report was received in February 2016. This supported a housing provision target of 13,200 new homes for the city to 2030. It was against this housing requirement that the five year housing land supply position was assessed following the adoption of the Plan on the 24th March 2016. The City Plan Inspector had indicated support for the Council's approach to assessing the 5 year housing land supply and had found the Plan sound in this respect.


(3)             Following an appeal, a development for a care home and 5 dwellings was approved at the site. Plans had been submitted comparing the height of the development now proposed and that previously approved. These plans showed that proposed Block D would be located closer to the boundary of the site adjacent to the roundabout but would be of an identical height. It was acknowledged that whilst the roof level of proposed Block A and the third floor roof level of Blocks B and C would be of the same height as the previously approved scheme the proposed fourth floor roof level of Blocks B and C would be approximately 2m higher than the height of the previous approved care home. Whilst parts of the current proposal would be higher than that previously approved the areas of the development with an increased height would be located towards the centre of the site and would step down in height from north to south to reflect the topography of the site and surrounding area. It is recommended that Ordnance Datum heights were required by condition should overall the proposal be considered acceptable.


(4)          Overall the proposal was considered to be of an acceptable form, height, scale and design and with conditions to control the detailed elements of the design, including landscaping mitigation on the northern and eastern boundaries, it is considered that the proposal would enhance the urban rural interface in this location and would not have a significant adverse impact upon the conversation or enhancement of the adjacent SDNP's natural beauty and approval was therefore recommended.


            Questions of Officers


(5)          Councillor Miller enquired whether the s106 had been revised in respect of the shared housing element of the scheme. It was explained that the terminology had been amended to ensure that the wording was clear regarding the type(s) of housing to be provided.


(6)          Councillor Janio requested clarification of the access/egress arrangements in respect of the site and it was explained that following careful consideration it had been considered appropriate for there to be free-flow access to the site which would however include for an improved pedestrian refuge and hard surfacing to footpaths on the adjacent highway. Councillor Janio also enquired regarding arrangements to enable the site to be accessed by bicycle.


            Debate and Decision Making Process


(7)          Councillor Mac Cafferty stated that he considered that a number of details remained to be finalised in relation to refuse collection.


(8)          Councillor Wares referred to the letters received from Local Ward Councillors and others referring to potential traffic movements and to the perceived need for a filter lane. The Development and Transport Assessment Manager, Steven Shaw explained in detail the traffic arrangements which would be put into place in respect of the site and the impact assessment in respect of the adjacent highway network. Councillor Wares noted what had been said stating that in his view it would be beneficial if an informative could be added to any permission granted which would make the position clear.


(9)          Councillors Hyde and Miller considered that careful consideration needed to be given to the location of footpaths through and in the immediate proximity to the site, noting that the potential for improving nearby pedestrian refuges was being explored.


(10)       Councillor Russell-Moyle concurred in that view stating that note also needed to be taken of the pedestrian desire line for example when finalising the highway arrangements in respect of any development on the site.


(11)       Councillor Hyde stated that overall she considered that the proposed scheme was acceptable although she had concerns about the location of the bins. Councillors Hyde and Miller considered that it would be appropriate for a proportion of the open space element of the s106 contribution to be used to fund lighting.

(12)       Councillor Morris supported the scheme but was of the view that it would be appropriate for some/all of the contribution for public art to be used for lighting.


(13)       Councillor Mac Cafferty expressed disappointment that in the light of the earlier decision by the Planning Inspectorate it was no longer considered feasible to push in respect of sustainability, especially given the site’s location abutting the national park.


(14)       Councillor Littman considered that notwithstanding the valid concerns raised in respect of some elements of the scheme it was acceptable overall and would provide much needed housing.


(15)       Councillor Russell-Moyle stated that he would be voting for approval of the scheme notwithstanding his concerns regarding traffic arrangements.


(16)       Councillor Wares stated that he considered the appearance of the development to be aesthetically pleasing although he had concerns in respect of the traffic arrangements proposed.


(17)       A vote was taken and on a vote of 10 to 1 with 1 abstention planning permission was granted as set out below.


96.2       RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendations set out in the report and resolves to be MINDED TO GRANT planning permission subject to a s106 agreement and to the Conditions and Informatives set out in the report and as amended below:


Amended Condition 1 to read:

The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved drawings listed in the Late Representations List.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


Amend reason for Condition 27 to read:

Prior to first occupation of the development hereby permitted, details of external lighting shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The external lighting shall be installed in accordance with the approved details and thereby retained as such unless a variation is subsequently submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the occupiers of adjoining properties and to minimise the impact of the development on the South Downs National Park and to comply with policy SA5 of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One and policies QD25 and QD27 of the Brighton & Hove Local Plan.


Insert additional Condition 34:

No development shall take place until a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The CEMP shall include:


(i)The phases of the Proposed Development including the forecasted completion date(s)

(ii) A commitment to apply to the Council for prior consent under the Control of Pollution Act 1974 and not to Commence Development until such consent has been obtained

(iii) A scheme of how the contractors will liaise with local residents to ensure that residents are kept aware of site progress and how any complaints will be dealt with reviewed and recorded (including details of any considerate constructor or similar scheme)

(iv) A scheme of how the contractors will minimise complaints from neighbours regarding issues such as noise and dust management vibration site traffic and deliveries to and from the site

(v) Details of hours of construction including all associated vehicular movements

(vi) Details of the construction compound

(vii) A plan showing construction traffic routes

(viii) An audit of all waste generated during construction works, to include:

a) the anticipated nature and volumes of waste that the development will generate,

b) where appropriate, the steps to be taken to ensure the maximum amount of waste arising from development on previously developed land is incorporated within the new development

c) the steps to be taken to ensure effective segregation of wastes at source including, as appropriate, the provision of waste sorting, storage, recovery and recycling facilities

d) any other steps to be taken to manage the waste that cannot be incorporated within the new development or that arises once development is complete. The construction shall be carried out in accordance with the approved CEMP.

Reason: As this matter is fundamental to the protection of amenity, highway safety and managing waste throughout development works and to comply with policies QD27, SU9, SU10 and TR7 of the Brighton & Hove Local Plan, policy CP8 of the City Plan Part One, and WMP3d of the East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Local Plan 2013 and Supplementary Planning Document

03 Construction and Demolition Waste.


Delete Informative 14


Amended S106 Heads of Terms

· 40 percent affordable housing (15 units for social rented housing or

affordable rented housing and 13 units for intermediate housing),

· A contribution of £36,500 towards an Artistic Component/public realm

· A contribution of £117,029 towards the cost of providing secondary (£97,540) and sixth form education (£19,489);

· A contribution of £25,800 towards the Local Employment Scheme,

· Construction Training and Employment Strategy including a commitment to using 20 percent local employment during the demolition and construction phases of the development,

· A Transport Contribution of £51,750,

· A Residential Travel Pack

· Travel Plan

· A long-term management and maintenance plan for the proposed

public/communal open space areas, and

· A contribution of £193,702 towards open space and indoor sport to be spent at; Children’s Play

· Hove Park and/or Hangleton Park, Dyke Road Park

Parks and Gardens / Natural Semi Natural /Amenity elements

· Hove Park and/or Three Cornered Copse Outdoor Sports

· Hove Park and/or Nevill Recreation Ground, Hove Recreation Ground Indoor Sports

· King Alfred and/or Withdean Sports Complex Allotments

· Weald and/or North Nevill allotments - (part or all of contributions towards Transport and Parks and Gardens/Natural Semi Natural /Amenity elements to be put towards footway/cycleway with lighting at Three Cornered Copse)

Supporting documents:


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