Agenda item - Enforcement Action Taken, Annual Report 2015/2016

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Agenda item

Enforcement Action Taken, Annual Report 2015/2016

Report, Director of Economy, Environment and Culture (copy attached)


95.1       The Committee considered a report of the Head of Planning detailing the historic position in respect of the work of the Planning Enforcement Team during 2015/16.


95.2       The Principal Planning Officer Enforcement, Robin Hodgetts, explained that during the consultation period undertaken as part of the development of the Planning Enforcement Policy Document (PEPD), Members and residents has expressed an interest in being informed about the progress and outcomes of enforcement investigations. In future this information would be provided in the form of an annual report.


95.3       It was explained that during the period covered by the report the Planning Enforcement Team had progressed a high number of investigations and had resolved a significant number of breaches of planning control. During 2015/2016, 576 new cases had been received and there were 432 closures which represented a decrease of 85 on the previous year. This was despite a significant reduction in the resources within the team with a number of long term absences and a Principal Officer that was part-time. Notwithstanding these challenging circumstances a high volume of investigations had been progressed and a good level of customer satisfaction had been achieved. The team was supported with some additional capacity, provided by temporary staff at administration and Officer levels which had assisted in progressing investigations and had enabled the team to function well during a time of significant pressures.


95.4       Councillor Mac Cafferty welcomed the report, the results of which were encouraging. It was noted that in the past work had been arranged across geographical areas of the city, this approach was being reviewed currently with a view to updating existing arrangements. It was noted that recruitment arrangements were in place for additional field officers to assist with planning enforcement investigations.


95.5       Councillor Yates was pleased to note that additional resources were being provided but was concerned that fewer cases were being closed than were being opened and he was worried that this could result in a less responsive service in future.


95.6       Councillor Littman stated it was pleasing to note the arrangements put into place, overall arrangements were working well. He considered that it was also important to note that formal enforcement proceedings were not pursued in those instances where it was not expedient to do so. Councillor Littman also sought clarification whether as appeared to be indicated that 4% of cases remained open; it was agreed that this would be checked and confirmed.


95.7       Mr Gowans, CAG, was pleased that arrangements were in place to recruit a full complement of officers. It was important however for the importance of conservation areas and of listed buildings to be recognised. In his view recognition of these had not always been fully understood in the past.


95.8       Councillor Morris stated that whilst acknowledging the hard work that had taken place he would be concerned if the geographical focus was to be lost. He referred to issues which had arisen in respect of Preston Street and undertakings which had been given that this area would be focused upon as a priority. There were similar issues in respect of the St. James’ Street area. He hoped that work in areas identified as requiring attention could be carried forward as a priority.


95.9       The Chair, Councillor Cattell, stated that work would continue to be prioritised but might be carried forward differently in future. Existing arrangements were being strengthened with a view to adopting a more pro-active approach as resources became available.


95.10    RESOLVED – That the contents of the report be noted.

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