Agenda item - 121-123 Davigdor Road, Hove - Request to vary the Heads of Terms of Section 106 Agreement in connection with planning permission BH2015/02917 for a mixed use building comprising 47 residential units and D1 community space.

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Agenda item

121-123 Davigdor Road, Hove - Request to vary the Heads of Terms of Section 106 Agreement in connection with planning permission BH2015/02917 for a mixed use building comprising 47 residential units and D1 community space.

Report of the Executive Director Economy, Environment and Culture (copy attached).l


68.1    Adrian Smith, Principal Planning Officer, introduced the report and explained that the original application for full planning permission was approved in 2015. In order to secure affordable housing from the development, a commuted sum, of £1,218,000, would be provided rather than onsite provision.


68.2    The developer had advising the Planning Department that their chosen Registered Social Landlord and the under bidder had both withdrawn their deals to purchase the affordable units within the development.


68.3    In response to Councillor Mac Cafferty it was clarified that the sum had been calculated to ensure the contribution made to offsite affordable housing would be equal to the previously agreed amount.


68.4    It was clarified to Councillor Wares that the money would contribute towards new affordable homes in the city.


68.5    Councillor C. Theobald noted that she was disappointed that there was not any affordable housing on the site and queried whether there was a proposed site for the units. The Officer clarified that there was not a specific site in mind.


68.6    The Officer noted to Councillor Littman that there were not any restrictions on the location that the units could be developed. The only restriction would be that the money must contribute to affordable housing.


68.7    In response to Councillor Gilbey the Officer explained that the contribution would be tracked and the spending would be recorded.


68.8    Councillor Russell-Moyle questioned why the affordable units that were previously agreed could not be rented and managed by the Council. The Officer noted that he was unable to answer the question and would have to ask the Housing department. Councillor Littman suggested the report was deferred until the Housing department could provide an answer. Councillor Inkpin-Leissner seconded the proposal of the report being deferred.


68.9    RESOLVED – That the Committee agreed to defer the report to a future Planning Committee.


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