Agenda item - BH2016/01318 - Pembroke Hotel, 2 Third Avenue, Hove - Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2016/01318 - Pembroke Hotel, 2 Third Avenue, Hove - Full Planning

Change of use from nursing home (C2) to 1no eight bedroom house (C3) including erection of orangery to first floor and other associated alterations.


Ward Affected: Central Hove


              Change of use from nursing home (C2) to 1no eight bedroom house (C3) including erection of orangery to first floor and other associated alterations.


(1)          It was noted that this application had been subject to a site visit prior to the meeting.


(2)          The Planning Manager, Applications, Nicola Hurley, detailed the proposed scheme by reference to site plans, elevational drawings and photographs which included views from the rear of King’s Gardens.


(3)          The application related to a Grade II Listed Building in the Avenues Conservation Area. It was a substantial detached yellow brick villa dating from c1880, subsequently used as flats and more recently a care home (currently vacant). The interior had been affected by modern uses with unsympathetic subdivision of spaces, however many original features survived at least in part. The main considerations in determining the application related to the loss of the care home, the impact of the proposed external alterations on the appearance of the listed building and surrounding conservation area, the standard of accommodation to be provided, and the effects on residential amenity, sustainability and traffic impact.


(4)          It was considered that the proposed works would cause less than substantial harm to the listed building. The repair and re-use of the listed building was a material consideration. The proposed development would not result in the loss of a viable care home and would provide a residential unit with a good standard of accommodation. The external alterations would not harm the appearance of the listed building or the surrounding Conservation Area, would not harm the amenities of neighbouring properties or create a harmful demand for travel. The proposal was considered to be in accordance with development plan policies and approval was therefore recommended.


              Questions of Officers


(5)          Councillor Littman queried why the letter submitted by Councillor Nemeth had been referred to, given that it was not located in his ward. The Planning Manager, Applications explained that all representations made were referred to. However, Members were only afforded the opportunity to speak in respect of applications made within their ward.


              Debate and Decision Making Process


(6)          Councillor Morris stated that whilst supporting the application and the improvements which it would effect to the host building he was anxious that any brickwork would match the original as closely as practicably possible. The Planning Manager, Applications, Nicola Hurley indicated that proposed condition 5 dealt with materials and would need to be met as a condition of grant of planning permission.


(7)          Councillor C Theobald welcomed the scheme and the significant improvements that would be effected to the building as a result.


(8)          Councillor Hyde concurred and sought clarification as to the configuration of the organgery and the location of the obscurely glazed windows. Councillor Hyde stated that she did not consider that overlooking would occur from that direction and the proposed condition was therefore unnecessary. Councillor Miller supported that view.


(9)          Councillor Hyde then proposed removal of condition 9 relating to the provision of obscure glazing. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Miller. The recommendations were then voted on to include the removal of condition 9.


(10)       A vote was taken and 7 Members voted that planning permission be granted to include removal of condition 9. Members voted unanimously that planning permission be granted.


30.7       RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in section 11 (to include removal of condition 9) and the policies and guidance in section 7 and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives set out in section 11.


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