Agenda item - BH2016/00015 - 51 Westbourne Villas, Hove - Householder Planning Consent

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Agenda item

BH2016/00015 - 51 Westbourne Villas, Hove - Householder Planning Consent

Alterations to rear elevation incorporating erection of timber conservatory and new balcony at ground floor level.


Ward Affected: Westbourne


              Alterations to rear elevation incorporating erection of timber conservatory and new balcony at ground floor level.


(1)          It was noted that this application had been the subject of a site visit to the application property and the neighbouring property, 50 Westbourne Villas, prior to the meeting.


(2)          The Planning Manager, Applications, Nicola Hurley, gave a presentation by reference to site plans, elevational drawings, drawings showing the proposed floor plans and photographs showing views to/from the site showing it in the context of neighbouring street scene and showing the rear elevations. At the request of the Chair, Councillor Cattell, plans were displayed in respect of the previously approved scheme for comparative purposes.


(3)          It was explained that the application site related to a two storey plus basement detached property, located on the east side of Westbourne Villas and backing directly onto Westbourne Place. The property had recently been converted back into a single dwelling following the part implementation of planning permission BH2010/04001. A rear extension has been recently completed at basement level and the row of garages which had fronted Westbourne Place had been demolished and the annexe was under construction.


(4)          The main considerations in determining the application related to the impact of the proposed extensions and alterations on the appearance of the property, the street scene and wider Sackville Gardens Conservation Area, and the amenities of adjacent occupiers. Planning permission BH2010/04001 had been part-implemented by virtue of the works having been largely completed to convert the main building into a single dwelling. A recent application BH2015/02110 had been approved for a basement rear extension and an annexe to replace the rear garages. At the time of the site visit it was noted that the rear basement extension had been completed. It was considered that the proposed extension and alterations would not harm the appearance of the site, street scene or Sackville Gardens Conservation Area, nor significantly impact on the amenities of adjacent occupiers and were in accordance with development plan policies; approval was therefore recommended.


              Questions of Officers


(5)          Councillor Mac Cafferty referred to the issues that he had raised in connection with the daylight impact assessment asking whether this information had been received and whether in the light of any information contained in it the scheme was still considered to be acceptable. It was explained that no further details had been received and officers had therefore been unable to verify that information. Notwithstanding that element formed part of the overall assessment of the scheme. The scheme was considered to be acceptable.


Debate and Decision Making Process


(6)          Councillor Miller stated that in his view the proposals represented an improvement on the previously approved scheme which would be more sympathetic to the host building and would have less impact.


(7)          Councillor Hyde concurred in that view stating that having had the opportunity to visit the site she considered that the form of development proposed was acceptable.


(8)          Councillor Morris considered that the current application would result in a narrower structure which would be less intrusive stating that he supported the officer recommendation.


(9)          A vote was taken and the eleven Members present voted unanimously that planning permission be granted.


30.6       RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in section 11 of the report and the policies and guidance in section 7 and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives set out in section 11.

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