Agenda item - BH2015/01745 - 107 Marine Drive, Rottingdean - Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2015/01745 - 107 Marine Drive, Rottingdean - Full Planning

Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and erection of a three storey building with additional lower ground floor entrance to provide 7no flats and erection of 2no semi-detached houses accessed from Chailey Avenue with associated landscaping, parking, cycle and bin storage.



Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and erection of a three storey building with additional lower ground floor entrance to provide 7no flats and erection of 2no semi-detached houses accessed from Chailey Avenue with associated landscaping, parking, cycle and bin storage.


            Officer Introduction


1)               The Planning Manager introduced the report and gave a presentation by reference to plans, photographs and elevational drawings. It was explained that on 27 January 2016 the Committee resolved that it was minded to grant the application subject to a s106 agreement requiring a sustainable transport contribution. The unilateral undertaking was not received until after the adoption of the City Plan Part One, therefore, it fell that the application had to be reconsidered against the new development plan for the City prior to any formal decision being issued, including an affordable housing contribution which had been agreed by the applicant. On the previous report, conditions regarding landscaping and materials were agreed and these had been resubmitted on the application. The application was recommended for approval, subject to a s106 agreement, for the reasons set out in the report.


Debate and Decision Making Process


2)               A vote was taken by the 12 Members present and the Officer recommendation that the Committee be minded to grant planning permission was carried on a vote of 11 in support with 1 abstention.


18.3       RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in section 11 of the report and the policies and guidance in section 7 and resolves to be MINDED TO GRANT planning permission subject to a s106 agreement and the conditions and informatives set out in section 11.

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