Agenda item - BH2015/02917 - 121-123 Davigdor Road, Hove - Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2015/02917 - 121-123 Davigdor Road, Hove - Full Planning

Demolition of existing building and erection of a new part five, six, seven and eight storey (plus basement) building comprising a total of 47 one, two and three bedroom residential units (C3) with balconies, roof terraces (2 communal) to storeys five and seven, community space on the ground floor (D1) together with associated parking, cycle storage, recycling facilities and landscaping.



Demolition of existing building and erection of a new part five, six, seven and eight storey (plus basement) building comprising a total of 47 one, two and three bedroom residential units (C3) with balconies, roof terraces (2 communal) to storeys five and seven, community space on the ground floor (D1) together with associated parking, cycle storage, recycling facilities and landscaping.


(1)             It was noted that this application had been the subject of a site visit prior to the meeting.


(2)             The Principal Planning Officer, Adrian Smith, introduced the application and gave a presentation by reference to plans, elevational drawings and photographs taken across the site. He explained that it was proposed that an additional condition be added to any permission granted referring to the fact that this was set out in the “Additional Representations List.”


(3)          The application site related to a modern three storey plus basement building located on the north side of Davigdor Road at the junction with Lyon Close. The building included adjacent car parking for 26 vehicles, part of which was occupied by a hand car wash business. Access was via Lyon Close to the rear. The building was occupied by a charity and comprised a series of basement studios for fitness classes with 26 bedrooms to the upper floors, all of which shared basement communal facilities. The units were let on a short term emergency accommodation basis. The site was bordered to the east by a two storey office building and car park which had planning permission to be redeveloped into a mixed use building comprising 68 flats and 700sqm of office space. Further to the east there was the seven storey P&H office building and three storey Preece House.


(4)       The main considerations in determining the application related to the

principle of development, the design of the proposed building and its impacts on the surrounding area, the standard of accommodation to be provided, the impact of the development on neighbouring amenity, and transport, ecology and sustainability issues. At present, there was no agreed up-to-date housing provision target for the city against which to assess the five year housing land supply position. Until the City Plan Part 1 was adopted, with an agreed housing provision target, appeal Inspectors were likely to use the city’s full objectively assessed need (OAN) for housing to 2030 (estimated to be 30,120 units) as the basis for the five year supply position. Overall, it was considered that the proposed development was of a suitable scale and design that would make a more efficient and effective use of the site without harm to the surrounding townscape. The development would provide a suitable mix of additional housing, including affordable housing without significant harm to the amenities of adjacent occupiers and without resulting in an unacceptable increase in parking pressure. Subject to conditions and the s106 agreement the development would accord with development plan policies and minded to grant approval was therefore recommended.


            Questions for Officers


(5)       Councillor Inkpen-Leissner referred to the poor appearance of some timber clad developments in the city, requesting whether it would be possible to require details of the materials proposed to be submitted. A sample provided by the applicants was circulated and it was confirmed that details of the materials to be used would be required.


(6)          Councillor Littman enquired whether any independent assessment of the level of affordable rent/shared ownership units had been sought. It was confirmed by the District Valuer’s report that the proposal would maximise the affordable rent provision.


(7)          Councillor Mac Cafferty referred to comments made regarding the height of the proposed development and it was confirmed that this was considered acceptable. The resultant development would not be overbearing in the street scene, nor would it damage strategic views towards the sea.


              Debate and Decision Making Process


(8)          Councillor C Theobald stated that notwithstanding that she often had concerns regarding the level of on-site parking proposed in respect of developments across the city in this instance she considered it to be acceptable and supported the officer recommendation.


(9)          Councillor Barradell referred to predominance of red brick facades nearby confirming that she hoped all materials were approved prior to construction commencing on site. It was confirmed that would be the case.


(10)       Councillor Miller confirmed that welcomed the design and housing mix proposed and supported the officer recommendation.


(11)       A vote was taken and Members voted unanimously that minded to grant planning permission be given.


118.2    That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in section 11 and the policies and guidance in section 7 and resolves to be MINDED TO GRANT planning permission subject to a S106 agreement and the Conditions and Informatives set out in section 11 and to the additional condition set out below.


              Additional condition:

              Prior to first occupation of the development hereby permitted, details of disabled car parking provision for the occupants of and visitors to, the development shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be fully implemented and made available for use prior to the first occupation of the development and shall thereafter be retained for use at all times.


              To ensure the development provides for the needs of disabled staff and visitors to the site and to comply with Local Plan policy TR18 and SPG4.



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