Agenda item - BH2015/01548,Glebe Villas Playing Field, Chelston Avenue, Hove - Removal or variation of condition

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Agenda item

BH2015/01548,Glebe Villas Playing Field, Chelston Avenue, Hove - Removal or variation of condition

Application for variation of condition 3 of application BH2012/00248 (Removal of existing pavilion and erection of new single storey outbuilding incorporating teaching and changing facilities) to change the hours of usage to 08.00 to 21:00 Monday to Friday and 10:00 to 19:00 on Saturdays for a maximum of 10 days throughout the year.


Ward Affected: Wish


Application for variation of condition 3 of application BH2012/00248 (Removal of existing pavilion and erection of new single storey outbuilding incorporating teaching and changing facilities) to change the hours of usage to 08.00 to 21:00 Monday to Friday and 10:00 to 19:00 on Saturdays for a maximum of 10 days throughout the year.


(1)             The Planning Manager – Applications (Nicola Hurley) gave a presentation by reference to photographs plans and elevational drawings; attention was also drawn to matters on the Late List. The application related to the newly constructed pavilion on the playing field, which contained changing and catering facilities. The application sought variation of conditions the allow increased hours of use during the week and use on Saturdays for a maximum of 10 days throughout the year. The main considerations related to appropriateness of the variation and the impact on amenity, highways and transport. The surrounding area was largely residential; there was no objection from Environmental Protection and the application was recommended for approval for the reasons set out in the report.


Public Speaker(s) and Questions


(2)             Councillor Nemeth spoke in his capacity as a Local Ward Councillor. He stated that the current arrangements had worked well for all parties for some years; an application for unlimited use was refused in 2013 for reason in relation to the impact on amenity – a second application was also refused in 2014 for similar reasons. Residents were of the view that smaller incremental changes to the operation would be more appropriate to maintain trust with the operation of the playing field. The Committee were asked to reject the application and allow for less hours to come forward.


(3)             In response to Councillor Barradell the Ward Councillor stated he was unsure if residents were currently able to use the field.


(4)             Mr Julian Withers spoke in support of the application in his capacity as the applicant and Headteacher at the school. He stated that the extended hours would cause no additional disruption or disturbance. There were currently no hours of restriction in relation to the use of the playing field – only the pavilion, which had little use during the four winter months of the year. The school were mindful to limit use to ensure they maintained good relations with local residents. When the field was used children were dropped off nearby and walked there to reduce congestion. Currently when the field was used on Saturday portable toilet facilities had to be brought to the site which currently caused additional disruption.


(5)             In response to Councillor Morris it was confirmed that the extension of hours was sought for use during open evenings and sports days. It was also confirmed that no smoking was allowed anywhere on the school grounds.


(6)             In response to Councillor Wares the speaker confirmed the additional hours would support existing event, not new ones.


Questions for Officers, Debate and Decision Making Process


(7)             It was confirmed for Councillor Inkpin-Leissner there had not been no noise complaints.


(8)             In response to Councillor Wares it was confirmed that a temporary permission for 1 year could be appropriate to assess the impact.


(9)             Councillor Barradell noted she was happy to second this proposal.


(10)          Councillor Miller stated he had some concerns in relation to amenity impact, but would support the proposal for a 1 year permission.


(11)          Councillor Littman, Inkpin-Leissner and Barradell noted they were happy with the proposed 1 year permission.


(12)          Councillor A. Norman noted she had concerns with the proposed use until 2100 hours, but would support the temporary permission to assess the impact.


(13)          Councillor Hamilton highlighted that use of the field itself was unrestricted and to limit the use of the pavilion was unreasonable; for these reasons he would support the temporary consent.


(14)          The Committee agreed to amend the Officer recommendation to grant a 12 month consent to assess amenity impact. This amended recommendation was carried by the twelve Members present unanimously.


58.4       RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in section 11 of the report and the policies and guidance in section 7 and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives set out in section 11, and an additional condition to limit the consent to 12 months.


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