Agenda item - D BH2015/00067, Car Park, Ardingly Street, Brighton -Full Planning

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Agenda item

D BH2015/00067, Car Park, Ardingly Street, Brighton -Full Planning

Erection of three storey block containing 2no two bedroom and 2no one bedroom flats.


Ward Affected: Queen’s Park


Erection of three storey block containing 2no two bedroom and 3 no one bedroom flats.


(1)          The Planning Manager (Applications), Nicola Hurley, gave a presentation by reference to site plans, floor plans, elevational drawings and photographs showing the site from various perspectives within the neighbouring street scene including the car park itself.


(2)          It was noted that the application site comprised an open car park on the northern part of a quadrant bounded by Cavendish Street, Ardingly Street and High Street to the west, north and east respectively, and by St James Street to the south. The car park had a capacity of 13 vehicles.


(3)          It was considered that the proposed development represented a suitably scaled and designed addition that would not harm the appearance of the site or adjacent East Cliff Conservation Area or the amenities of adjacent occupiers, and would provide for an acceptable standard of accommodation for future residents. The proposal would not result in additional transport demand in the area and would re-provide parking bays for doctors to the surgery opposite. The development accorded with development plan policies, approval was therefore recommended.


                    Questions of Officers


(4)          Councillor Hyde stated that whilst she considered the proposed scheme to be acceptable overall she had concerns regarding the type of external render proposed, enquiring whether a wet finish was proposed, as this appeared to weather better than some other forms of render used. Councillor Wells concurred stating that there were new developments in the city (he cited the former Co-operative building in London Road, Brighton) where the render used was already showing signs of wear and discolouration.


(5)          Councillor C Theobald enquired whether it was envisaged that the loss of parking which would occur in consequence of the development would be problematic. She considered that available car parking in the vicinity was often fully used.


(6)          Councillor Davey enquired regarding the capacity of on-street parking in the vicinity of the site. The Principal Transport Officer, Steven Shaw, responded to both Councillors explaining that some, although not all of the car parking places would be re-provided, including some off-street spaces within the development itself. Currently, 1,681 permits for on-street spaces were in use as against a total number of 1,943 permits which were allowed. This represented an 86% usage rate.


(7)          The Planning and Building Control Applications Manager, Jeanette Walsh stated that If Members considered it appropriate a condition could be added to any permission granted requiring that a wet rather than textured rendered finish to be used. Members indicated that would be their wish.


Debate and Decision Making Process


(8)          Mr Gowans, CAG referred to the representation made by that group which in addition to concerns raised in relation to use of a rendered finish had also expressed disappointment that the scheme represented a missed opportunity as in their view the design was box like, with no style to the design of the fenestration and a better modern design solution should have been sought.


(9)          Councillor Wells, whilst concurring with the points made by CAG in respect of use of a rendered finish, considered that this could be dealt with by condition. The scheme would provide much needed housing and he supported it.


(10)       Councillor Davey concurred with all that had been said but was also  in agreement that this scheme would provide much needed housing and that a balance also needed to be struck between that and loss of off-street parking. In this instance he considered that the proposed housing represented a greater priority.


(11)       Councillor Carden welcomed the proposed scheme stating that he hoped that there would be some on-site provision for those visiting residents of the completed scheme.


(12)       Councillors Cox and Gilbey also expressed their support for the proposed scheme.


(13)       A vote was taken and the 10 Members present when the vote was taken voted unanimously that planning permission be granted.


165.4    RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in section 11 of the report and the policies and guidance in section 7 of the report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the conditions and Informatives set out in section 11 of the report.


To reflect Membersrequest that a condition be included to secure implementation of a wet render system as part of the agreement of materials, condition 6 a) be amended, the existing text to be replaced with:


a)    samples of brick and wet render (including details of colour to be used)


An additional informative to be added stating that:


The applicant is advised that the details required by condition 6 are to be delegated for agreement to the Head of Development Control in consultation with the Chair, Deputy Chair and the Opposition Spokesperson.


Note: Councillors Randall and Robins were not present when the vote was taken.

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