Agenda item - BH2014/04147 - St Andrews C of E School, Belfast Street, Hove - Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2014/04147 - St Andrews C of E School, Belfast Street, Hove - Full Planning

Erection of two storey teaching extension and extensions to hall, kitchen and reception class with main entrance alterations and associated external works including alterations to parking and landscaping.



Erection of two storey teaching extension and extensions to hall, kitchen and reception class with main entrance alterations and associated external works including alterations to parking and landscaping.


(1)             The Planning Manager (Applications), Nicola Hurley, introduced the application and gave a presentation by reference to plans, photographs and elevational drawings. The application site related to a detached school which was accessed from Belfast Street and externally finished in render and brick. There was a large playing field to the south of the school, and the surrounding area was a mixture of residential and commercial uses. Permission was sought for a two-storey extension which would allow the number of classes in each year to increase from two to three – a net increase of 188 places. The extensions would provide for eight additional classrooms; new lobby and PE store. The proposed materials would be two-tone cladding and brickwork to match the existing school. Issues raised during the consultation and in the late representations largely related to transport and safety concerns. There was also a late representation from Councillor Hawtree and letters from 38 Sackville Gardens and from a solicitor on behalf of local residents.


(2)             An update was provided on comments made by the nearby Tesco supermarket; the store had stated that should the car park change in future then the store might have to discourage parents from using it – it was clarified that the comment from the supermarket was neither in support nor objection to the scheme. The considerations related to the principal of the development; the impact of the appearance of the school; sustainability; intensification of use; transport and highways safety. The School Organisational Plan indicated there were sufficient places, but the distribution did not match the need; the areas of south and central Hove had some of the most significant shortages, and the proposal extension to the school would help to address this need.


(3)             The design was acceptable, and whilst the height and scale were large they were also considered acceptable. Whilst there would be harm caused through the moving of the temporary classrooms this was outweighed as the structures would be removed when the works were completed. Concerns had been raised about noise, but these were not considered significant, and the Transport Team had not objected and was satisfied with the retention of the two existing access points. The 33 car parking spaces on the site would be retained, and 18 spaces would be provided on Haddington Street public car park. The application was recommended for approval for the reasons set out in the report, and with the additional condition set out in the Late List.


Public Speaker(s) and Questions


(4)             Mr Jon Stanley spoke in objection to the scheme in his capacity as a parent with children at the school. He stated that the Committee should not let the pressure on school places in the area dictate their decision in relation to the application. Mr Stanley expressed several concerns in relation to: the exclusion of the comments from Tesco; lack of regard to policy; no change of use for the car park and lack of consideration of objections from local shops. Currently only 2% of children at the school cycled due to how dangerous the traffic currently was; this application, and the potential loss of the Tesco car park, would make the situation worse.


(5)             Councillor Hawtree spoke in his capacity as a local Ward Councillor and stated that the application was controversial, as had been the original building of the school. Reference was made to comments in the report that the design was ‘not of a high standard’; however, the need for school places was acknowledged. The proposed footway measures were welcomed, and Councillor Hawtree noted he was in two minds in relation to the scheme.


(6)             Mr Michael Nix spoke in support of the application in his capacity as the Head of Education Planning & Contracts. He stated that the need for primary school places was set out in the report, and the area had already seen the expansion of other schools to meet demand. Despite additions and the reorganisation of schools in South Portslade there continued to be the need for bulge classes. St. Andrew’s was a popular school, and one of the only ones that had not been expanded, and the Council had responded to the points raised during the consultation to help minimise the impact. As the proposals did not reduce the net outside space, and the school was confident the PE curriculum could be met then there was no need to apply to the Secretary of State. The issues with the traffic in the local narrow streets were acknowledged, but the Council would continue to work with the school to update the travel plan.


(7)             It was confirmed for Councillor Hamilton that the school currently had a bulge class.


Questions for Officers, Debate and Decision Making Process


(8)             It was confirmed for the Chair that the Police had not been consulted due to the scale of the scheme. It was also confirmed that the temporary recession measures were withdrawn at the end of January 2015.


(9)             A vote was taken by the 12 Members present and the Officer recommendation that the Committee grant the application was unanimously carried.


151.3    RESOLVEDThat the Committee has taken into consideration the recommendation and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in section 11 and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives set out in section 11, and the amended and additional conditions set out below:


Amended Condition 8


Prior to the installation of the brise soleil on the southern elevation of the development hereby permitted full details of the brise soleil including 1:20 scale elevational drawings and sections shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The works shall be carried out and completed fully in accordance with the approved details and shall be retained as such thereafter.


Reason:  To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development and to comply with policy QD1 of the Brighton & Hove Local Plan.


Additional Condition:

The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until a scheme detailing the full design and layout and changes to the proposed Haddington Street car park to provide a clear and logical pedestrian route to the rear of the parking spaces has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall not be occupied until the approved works have been implemented.


Reason: To ensure the promotion of sustainable forms of travel and comply with policies TR1, TR7, TR8 and TR11 of the Brighton & Hove Local Plan.

Supporting documents:


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