Agenda item - BH2013/04327 - 74 & 76 Greenways, Brighton - Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2013/04327 - 74 & 76 Greenways, Brighton - Full Planning

Demolition of existing dwellings and erection of 2 x four bedroomed dwellings and 2 x three bedroomed dwellings.



Demolition of existing dwellings and erection of 2 x four bedroomed dwellings and 2 x three bedroomed dwellings.


(1)             The Area Planning Manager gave a presentation by reference to photographs, plans and elevational drawings. The application site related to two neighbouring detached properties in Ovingdean. A previous application had been refused in June last year, and the reasons for this were outlined in the report; this application was a revised scheme. Permission was sought for the redevelopment of the whole site, and the construction of four dwellings; the scheme had been amended to address overlooking, and the garages had been removed as well as the balconies at the front of the two rear houses.


(2)             The main considerations related to the principle of the development; the suitability of the site; the effect of the proposals and the impact on the South Downs National Park. The proposals to the rear had been reduced in height and cut more into the sloping land; they were also located further from the front properties and the materials and design were more traditional. The properties would have similar eaves height to those surrounding, and the South Downs National Park had not objected in principle, but suggested appropriate use of character and design. The proposal would not have a significant impact, and the two properties at the front would be of similar scale and have smaller footprints then the existing properties. The site was generally surrounded by thick trees and the properties to the rear would not be affected. The previous reasons for refusal in relation to the driveway had been overcome. The application was recommend for approval for the reasons set out in the report.


Public Speaker(s) and Questions


(3)             Mr Peter Rainer spoke in objection to the scheme on behalf of the local residents. He highlighted some of the planning history at the site and stated that neither the scheme nor the policy had changed significantly enough to warrant an approval. Reference was made to the NPPF and the harm that would be caused to the area and local amenity. The site was a large greenfield one, and the area was low-density and semi-rural; with all this in mind the application should be determined on its own merits. The area contributed to views from the national park, and the Committee were asked to refuse the scheme.


(4)             Mr John Whiting spoke in support of the application in his capacity as the agent; supported by the applicant. It was stated that the scheme was the product of close work with Planning Officers, and the application before the Committee had significant revisions in terms of height to lessen the impact; it was also noted that there was housing shortage in the city. The site density would be appropriate for a semi-rural location, and the housing had been positioned to conform to the building line of the existing properties. When the scheme was viewed from the hillside it would appear moderate in its setting. The Committee were invited to approve the scheme as per the Officer recommendation.


Questions for Officers


(5)             In response to Councillor Hyde it was explained that the amendments had reduced the footprint creating a smaller development, and these amendments had changed the balance towards approval.


Debate and Decision Making Process


(6)             Councillor Cox stated he would support the Officer recommendation as the previous reasons for refusal had been addressed.


(7)             Councillor Wells noted this was not only scheme of this type in the area, and he would support the Officer recommendation.


(8)             Councillor Hamilton stated he would support the Officer recommendation as this was a good use of the land.


(9)             A vote was taken by the 11 Members present at the meeting and the Officer recommendation that the Committee grant the application was carried with 10 in support and 1 against.


115.7      RESOLVEDThat the Committee has taken into consideration the recommendation and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in section 11 and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to conditions and informatives. 


Note: Councillor C. Theobald was not present during the consideration and vote on this application.

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