Agenda item - BH2014/02503 - 75 - 105 Kings Road Arches, Brighton - Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2014/02503 - 75 - 105 Kings Road Arches, Brighton - Full Planning

Demolition of arches and erection of new arches with new brick façade with timber doors. Replacement railings to upper esplanade level. Change of use from storage to mixed uses comprising retail (A1), café (A3), storage (B8) and beach huts. (Part retrospective).



Demolition of arches and erection of new arches with new brick façade with timber doors. Replacement railings to upper esplanade level. Change of use from storage to mixed uses comprising retail (A1), café (A3), storage (B8) and beach huts. (Part retrospective).


(1)             A presentation was given by the Senior Planning Officer, Kathryn Boggiano, with reference to photographs, plans and elevational drawings, and attention as also drawn to the amended Condition 6 that had been laid round for the Committee. The site comprised 31 Victorian arches to the east of the i360 development – the associated railings were listed and subject to a  separate application that had to be determined by the Secretary of State. The arches had been redeveloped due to them being structurally unsound. The scheme proposed 33 new arches all of equal size and depth – there would also be greater detailing and the brick column would extend to the floor. Each arch would have bespoke wooden doors, and there would be stones installed to hide the guttering. It was noted that the brick façade to the front of the subway needed to finalised, but it could not currently be surveyed due to the works to the i360.


(2)             The scheme proposed to use 19 of the arches as beach huts; there would storage units each using 3 arches, and some flexible use units that could be cafés or retail units. The letters of objection had mostly referred to the commercial use and the suitability in this area, but Officers considered that impact of this additional commercial would be very minimal and fell below the threshold for retail assessment. The railing detail would be exact replicas, but the posts had been raised to meet building regulations. This change had in turn created issues with the space at the bottom of the railing, and to overcome this a concrete curb would be installed and this would be similar to the historic raising the railings that had been lost as the pavement had been raised over the years. To conclude the scheme was high quality and recommended for approval subject to the conditions in the report.


Questions for Officers


(3)             In response to Councillor C. Theobald it was explained that the materials of the new railings would match the old and the life expectancy was 125 years.


(4)             It was clarified for Councillor Hyde that the concrete block below the railing would not be visible from below as the coping would hide this from view.


(5)             It was confirmed for Councillor Wells that the works did not constitute refurbishments works.


(6)             It was explained to Councillor Bowden that the proposed uses had been led by the Seafront Team.


(7)             In the response to the Chair it was explained that the linking parts at the ends of the scheme would have a consistent approach.


Debate and Decision Making Process


(8)             Councillor Cox stated he was pleased to see the height of railings changed to make them safer.


(9)             Mr Gowans noted that the CAG welcomed the scheme.


(10)          Councillor Bowden welcomed the additional beach huts and the attention to detail in the works.


(11)          Councillor Wells welcomed the works, and noted that they would be an improvement.


(12)          Councillor Carden welcomed the scheme.


(13)          Councillor C. Theobald welcomed the additional commercial units.


(14)          Councillor Davey congratulated the Structural Engineer that had worked on the scheme, and welcomed the attention to detail.


(15)          A vote was taken by the 10 Members present at the meeting and the Officer recommendation that permission be granted was unanimously carried.


103.4      RESOLVEDThat the Committee has taken into consideration the recommendation and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in section 11 and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to conditions and informatives, and the amended Condition 6 set out below:


Condition 6


Notwithstanding the submitted plan, within six months of the date of this permission, details of brick façade to the subway area to the west of arch number 76 Kings Road arches to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to the development being first occupied.


Reason: In order to ensure a satisfactory appearance to the brick façade of the arches and to comply with policies QD1, QD2 and HE6 of the Brighton & Hove Local Plan.   


Note: Councillor Jones was not present at the meeting, and Councillor Robins had left the meeting at this point.

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