Agenda item - BH2013/03927 - The Astoria, 10-14 Gloucester Place, Brighton -Listed Building Consent

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Agenda item

BH2013/03927 - The Astoria, 10-14 Gloucester Place, Brighton -Listed Building Consent

Demolition of existing Grade II listed building.



(1)The Senior Planning Officer Adrian Smith reiterated that on balance the demolition of this grade II listed building was considered acceptable subject to the imposition of conditions to secure the recording and analysis of the building through a written scheme of investigation and the development of the approved scheme soon after the demolition. The significant public benefits of the proposed development would outweigh the strong statutory presumption against listed building consent being granted where harm to the preservation of a listed building has been identified, to which considerable importance and weight has been attached. The previous extant consent for the demolition of the building was a material consideration. Approval was therefore recommended.

(2)          A vote was taken and listed building consent was granted on a vote of 9 to 2 with 1 abstention.

43.4       RESOLVED - That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in section 11 and the policies and guidance in section 7 of the report and resolves to GRANT Listed Building Consent subject to the Conditions and Informatives set out in section 11.

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