Agenda item - BH2013/03391 - Royal York Buildings 41-42 Old Steine, Brighton - Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2013/03391 - Royal York Buildings 41-42 Old Steine, Brighton - Full Planning

Change of use from hotel (C1) to youth hostel (Sui Generis).



Change of use from hotel (C1) to youth hostel (Sui Generis).


(1)                   The Senior Planning Officer, Guy Everest, introduced the report and gave a presentation by reference to photographs, plans and elevational drawings. The application related to the Royal York Buildings on the Old Steine, and it was noted that there was an additional condition in relation to the use of the building. The building had permitted use as a hotel, but was not in operation, and permission was sought for change of use to become a youth hostel. The application sought no changes or alterations to the internal layout of the listed building, but it was noted these matters formed part of a separate application currently under consideration. The building was located in the core hotel area, and the applicant had submitted marketing information which, despite some gaps, evidenced that the premises had been advertised as a hotel. It was considered the continued use of the building would help to preserve the character of the listed building. The application was minded to grant subject to a S106 agreement and the conditions in the report.


Questions for Officers


(2)                   In response to Councillor C. Theobald it was noted that the provider would be targeting the business at both individuals and families and be able to accommodate both.


(3)                   Following a question from Councillor Davey the Committee discussed the use of S106 monies in relation to improvements at the adjacent Pool Valley Coach Park; in particular to include the provision of toilet facilities at this site. Both the Head of Development Control and the Senior Solicitor noted that any S106 monies had to be used to mitigate the activities in relation to the change of use of the building. Following on from a comment made by Councillor Carden it was noted that there was an existing permission for Pool Valley; this provision could be considered together with the S106 agreement, and the Committee agreed to delegate the final agreement of these matters to the Head of Development in consultation with the Chair, Deputy Chair and Opposition Spokespersons.


(4)                   Councillor C. Theobald went on to state that she felt the level of S106 contribution was low given the size of the application, and noted that a previous permission at the site several years ago had included S106 monies in relation to Pool Valley. The Senior Planning Officer explained that this money had been spent on an area of pavement and uplighters; it was envisaged the paved area would allow for a ticket office on the highway.


(5)                   In response to Councillor Duncan it was noted that the condition sought to provide 26 cycle spaces at the site. Following a further question it was explained that the additional condition sought to protect the use for tourism rather then other types of more permanent accommodation.


(6)                   Councillor Jones noted that the operator provided budget accommodation for all ages and would need the 26 spaces linked to the type of customers they might expect. Officers clarified that during the life of the application the Local Planning Authority had sought to negotiate this higher number due to the increased provision of local cycle facilities.


(7)                   Councillor Mac Cafferty asked about the highway on the northern side of the application, and the Principal Transport Planner explained that this would be a potential area to use the S106 funds as there was data in relation to the number of accidents around the location.


(8)                   Councillor Mac Cafferty asked about Condition 4) in relation to sustainability, and the Senior Planning Officer clarified that the last sentence should read “The measures shall be fully implemented prior to use as a youth hostel and thereafter retained as such”.


Debate and Decision Making Process


(9)                   Councillor Wells stated that nearby Marlborough House had been empty for many years before being bought back into use, and this application sought to secure the future use of the building, and would allow it to continue contributing to the local economy.


(10)               Councillor C. Theobald stated that she had reservations in relation to the marketing data, and noted concerns in relation to the historic nature of the building. She added that the youth hostel at Patcham Place had been left in a poor stated after it was vacated.


(11)               Councillor Cox noted that the operator had an excellent global reputation, and this type of tourist accommodation would contribute positively to the city.


(12)               Councillor Duncan agreed with the comments from Councillor Cox and added that the youth hostel would allow access to cheaper accommodation for people visiting to undertake the South Downs Walk. He stated he would support the Officer recommendation.


(13)               Councillor Jones echoed these positive comments and noted that the operator normally provided a range of accommodation within its sites, and he would support the Officer recommendation.


(14)               Councillor Littman noted that the building had changed use several times during its existence, and this was an appropriate application which he would support.


(15)               Councillor Hyde noted she would be supporting the Officer recommendation, but queried if there was anything that could be dome in relation to enforcement of the maintenance. In response the Head of Development Control noted that the building was listed and there was active enforcement in the city.


(16)               Councillor Mac Cafferty noted that he agreed with the other positive comments made by the Committee Members, and stated that he would support the Officer recommendation.


(17)               A vote was taken and the Officer recommendation that permission be minded to grant was approved on a vote of 11 in support with 1 abstention.


154.1    RESOLVED - That the Committee has taken into consideration the recommendation and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in section 11 and resolved to be MINDED TO GRANT planning permission subject to conditions and a s106 agreement, and the amended Condition 4 (as above) and the additional Condition set out below:


              i.           The building shall only be used for tourism purposes in the manner of a youth hostel and for no other purpose.


Reason: To ensure that a flexible range of accommodation is available within the core area to meet the current needs and demands of all visitors, and to comply with policy SR15 of the Brighton & Hove Local Plan, and policy CP6 of the Brighton & Hove Submission City Plan (Part One).

Supporting documents:


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