Agenda item - Public Questions

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Agenda item

Public Questions

Written Questions: to receive any questions submitted by the due date of 12 noon on 12 February 2014


152.2         The Chair stated that he had received notification of one public question and invited Ms Valerie Paynter to put her question to the Committee.


152.3         Ms Paynter asked:


“What percentage of the costs of processing planning applications is covered by charges levied and what percentage calls on council tax or other revenue streams?”


152.4         The Chair responded that the costs were complex, and not simply about expenditure through the Development Control Section. A full and thorough response was currently being drafted and it would be sent to Ms Paynter in due course.


152.5         The Chair invited Ms Paynter to ask a supplementary question, and she asked for a comment on the size of the fee in relation to the total cost of determining a planning application.


152.6         The Chair responded that there were a number of different costs involved in a planning application, and the fee did not cover the full cost of determining an application.

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