Agenda item - BH2013/00715 - 17-19, 21-23 and 37-40 Brighton Square, Brighton - Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2013/00715 - 17-19, 21-23 and 37-40 Brighton Square, Brighton - Full Planning

Demolition of existing buildings at 21, 22 and 23 Brighton Square and demolition of existing two storey apartments at 37, 38, 39 and 40 Brighton Square. Conversion of existing A1 and A3 units to create new A3 units at ground floor level to East of Brighton Square with new car park access. Construction of a 26no room boutique hotel above new A3 units with entrance at ground floor level and bedroom accommodation to 3no floors above. Erection of new 4no storey building on site of 22 Brighton Square providing A1 retail at ground floor level and 3no flats above. Reconfiguration works to lane connecting Brighton Place to Brighton Square and other associated works.



Demolition of existing buildings at 21, 22 and 23 Brighton Square and demolition of existing two storey apartments at 37, 38, 39 and 40 Brighton Square. Conversion of existing A1 and A3 units to create new A3 units at ground floor level to East of Brighton Square with new car park access. Construction of a 26no room boutique hotel above new A3 units with entrance at ground floor level and bedroom accommodation to 3no floors above. Erection of new 4no storey building on site of 22 Brighton Square providing A1 retail at ground floor level and 3no flats above. Reconfiguration works to lane connecting Brighton Place to Brighton Square and other associated works.


(1)                   The Area Planning Manager, Nicola Hurley, gave an overview of the wider scheme that would encompass a further set of applications – had been developed by one architect with two different landowners; the master plan across the whole scheme was not formally adopted, but had been used to inform the scheme with support from the Council’s Heritage Team. The objectives of the master plan were: the alterations to Brighton Square; the new ‘lane’ (Hannington Lane) and the listed building consent for works to Puget’s Cottage.


(2)                   The Case Officer, Steven Lewis, gave a presentation in respect of applications: BH2013/00715 - 17-19, 21-23 and 37-40 Brighton Square, Brighton for full planning; BH2013/00712 - 7-10, 13-16, 26-28 and 33-36 Brighton Square, Brighton for full planning and BH2013/00716 - 17-19 ,21-23 and 37-40 Brighton Square, Brighton for conservation area consent. Attention was drawn to matters on the Late List. The group of applications sought consent for alterations to Brighton Square to create a new commercial premises and restaurants; new residential accommodation and a new hotel; the application site was location close to the Lanes and was part of the Old Town Conservation Area. Brighton Square was a late 1960s commercial and residential development; the portal building to the south of the square was proposed to be demolished. The hotel would have a ground floor reception and 26 guest bedrooms across the other floors, and inset balconies on the floors above ground level. There would also be photovoltaic panels on the roof. The main issues for consideration related to the design and the impact on the conservation area, and it was added that the heads of terms required both aspects of the scheme – the hotel and the alterations to Brighton Square – to built together. It was considered that the design and the materials were acceptable for use in this location. The hotel would be a town centre location, and based on information provided by the applicant, it was considered that the size was appropriate and would help to broaden the accommodation offer in the city – each unit would be of adequate size, outlook and floor space.


(3)                   In relation to the changes to the town houses in Brighton Square the south side of the square would remain unchanged to continue to act as a source of light into the square. The shop fronts at ground floor level would be replaced to create a greater sense of continuity, and the existing maisonettes above would be changed into three storey town houses. There would a new lift installed for better access to the first floor, and the accommodation would be arranged across three storeys with the living space and roof terrace on the top floor – the overall standard of accommodation would be improved. The main issues at Brighton Square related to design and the impact on the character and appearance of the conservation area; there should also be continuity to ensure the hotel development and the alterations would add positively to the conservation area. Some improvements had been made to the scheme to address daylight issues, but consideration was given to the historic nature of the wider area, and such greater flexibility was afforded to daylight levels. The two applications for full planning permission were recommended to be minded to grant subject to the completion of a S106 agreement, and the application for conservation area consent was recommended for approval.


Questions for Officers


(4)                   In response to Councillor Duncan it was explained that there would be a net loss of one residential unit across the scheme.


(5)                   In response to Councillor Randall it was confirmed that all of the residential units in Brighton Square were under the same ownership, and any issues that related to private landlord matters were not material to the application. It was also confirmed for Councillor Jones that all of the units were in the private rental sector rather than owner occupied.


(6)                   It was confirmed for Councillor Shanks that all of the current commercial units would be retained; as well as the introduction of the new hotel.


(7)                   In response to Councillor Gilbey it was explained that there did not appear to be any ‘live in’ accommodation units for staff at the proposed hotel.


(8)                   In was confirmed for Councillor Carol Theobald that there was a condition that requested details of the street naming and plates, and discussions were already taking place in relation to these.


(9)                   It was confirmed, in response to Councillor Gilbey, that the historic dolphin statue would be relocated within the scheme.


Debate and Decision Making Process


(10)               Councillor Carol Theobald stated that the scheme looked exciting, and despite the loss of the portal building, the overall scheme was very promising.


(11)               Councillor Hyde added that the scheme was very well thought out, and she would support the Officer recommendations on all three applications.


(12)               Councillor Duncan described the whole Lanes area as the ‘jewel in the crown’ in this part of the city, and welcomed the applications.


(13)               Councillor Jones noted that the arches in the portal building had been linked to design features on the University of Sussex Falmer campus, but noted that he was not opposed to the demolition of the portal building; the scheme was ‘great’ and he would support the Officer recommendations.


(14)               Councillor Hyde noted, as this point, that it would be very important to get the right pallet as this would be an important asset to the future of the city. The Committee agreed that the discharge of the condition in relation to the materials pallet would be agreed by the Head of Development Control in consultation with the Chair, Deputy Chair and Opposition Spokespersons.


(15)               Three separate votes were taken on each application under consideration. (The outcome of each vote is listed under the appropriate minute item).


(16)               A vote was in relation to BH2013/00715 - 17-19, 21-23 and 37-40 Brighton Square, Brighton for full planning and the Officer recommendation that the application be minded to grant was agreed by unanimously.


117.7    RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration the recommendation and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in section 11 and resolved to be MINDED TO GRANT planning permission subject to conditions and a s106 agreement.

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