Agenda item - BH2013/00710 - 13 - 22 North Street, 12D Meeting House Lane and 11-14 Brighton Place, Brighton - Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2013/00710 - 13 - 22 North Street, 12D Meeting House Lane and 11-14 Brighton Place, Brighton - Full Planning

Creation of new shopping lane extending from Meeting House Lane to Brighton Place. Demolition of existing ground floor stores and first floor structures at rear of North Street shops. Adaptation and extension of existing shops on North Street to create 8 shop units to north side of new lane, reconfiguration of North Street shops. Construction of 7 new 2 storey flats over shops around a courtyard. Construction of 6 new shops to south side of new lane with 2 floors of offices over. Adaptation of 12D Meeting House Lane to provide additional shop front onto lane. Blocking up of openings in end wall of Puget's Cottage following demolition of adjoining structures (Amended description).



Creation of new shopping lane extending from Meeting House Lane to Brighton Place.Demolition of existing ground floor stores and first floor structures at rear of North Street shops. Adaptation and extension of existing shops on North Street to create 8 shop units to north side of new lane, reconfiguration of North Street shops. Construction of 7 new 2 storey flats over shops around a courtyard. Construction of 6 new shops to south side of new lane with 2 floors of offices over. Adaptation of 12D Meeting House Lane to provide additional shop front onto lane. Blocking up of openings in end wall of Puget's Cottage following demolition of adjoining structures (Amended description).


(1)             The Senior Planning Officer, Steven Lewis, gave a presentation by reference to plans, photographs and elevational drawings in respect of applications: BH2013/00710 - 13 - 22 North Street, 12D Meeting House Lane and 11-14 Brighton Place, Brighton for full planning; BH2013/00711 - 13 - 22 North Street, 12D Meeting House Lane and 11-14 Brighton Place, for - conservation area consent and BH2013/03589 - Puget's Cottage, Rear of 15 North Street, Brighton for listed building consent – attention was also drawn to matters on the Late List. The proposed new ‘Lane’ would run along the rear of North Street and connect Meeting House Lane through to Brighton Place; most of the buildings along north street formed part of Hannington’s Department Store which closed in 2002. It was noted how the application connected with those already determined at Brighton Square; currently Puget’s Cottage was concealed within the site. The site formed the service access to the shop on North Street and largely comprised a ‘jumble’ of buildings – there was also a substation to be demolished. They scheme had previously proposed a link from the new lane to North Street; however, this aspect of the scheme had been removed following the listing of Puget’s Cottage by English Heritage. The new lane would consist of a mixture of cafés and shops at ground floor with residential units above, and the buildings had been designed to take on the changing vernacular of the Old Town Conservation Area, and utilised a mix of materials. It was highlighted where the development ended with the demolition of an extension to the rear of Puget’s Cottage and the construction of a flint wall, and it was added there would be no changes to North Street.


(2)             The main considerations related to the design and the impact on the Old Town Conservation Area; the current condition of the site was considered to have a harmful impact and the redevelopment would be an improvement which would compliment the existing variety in the Old Town area. The proposed uses were acceptable and the location was highly sustainable. There had been some alterations to the scheme to improve light, and further conditions were sought in relation to the operation and noise. The residential accommodation would be of a good standard, and there would be outside amenity space. In relation to the listed building consent for Puget’s Cottage this application related to the recently listed building located to the rear of North Street; the cottage dated from the 17th Century, and the application sought to reinstate the gable and demolish the more modern additions to the rear. The application for full planning was recommended to be minded to grant and the conservation area consent and listed building consents were recommended for approval.


Questions for Officers


(3)             In response to Councillor Hyde the building of more modern design in the scheme was highlighted, and it was noted that this building sought to tie in the different elements of the wider scheme.


(4)             Councillor Carol Theobald asked about rubbish and recycling, and it was explained there was communal bin and recycling storage area on the first floor, and all of these matters were fully managed through the conditions in the report. Following a further query the Committee unanimously agreed to add an informative to include a blue plaque to commemorate the location of the original Hannington’s Department Store.


Debate and Decision Making Process


(5)             Councillor Shanks welcomed the scheme and noted that the location was currently quite unsafe.


(6)             Councillor Hyde also welcomed the scheme, and noted that she had not realised the extent of space there had been on the site.


(7)             Councillor Randall welcomed the works to open up and reinstate Puget’s cottage.


(8)             Mr Gowans noted that the CAG were pleased that the developers had responded to the recent listing of Puget’s Cottage, and asked that proper attention be given to the design of the new buildings.


(9)             Councillor Mac Cafferty raised the important of materials and pallet, and it was agreed that this condition would be discharged by the Head of Development Control in consultation with the Chair, Deputy Chair and Opposition Spokespersons.


(10)          Councillor Carol Theobald welcomed the new development, and stated she would look forward to visiting it.


(11)          Three separate votes were taken on each application under consideration. (The outcome of each vote is listed under the appropriate minute item).


(12)          A vote was in relation to BH2013/00710 - 13 - 22 North Street, 12D Meeting House Lane and 11-14 Brighton Place, Brighton for full planning and the Officer recommendation that the application be minded to grant was agreed by unanimously.


117.7    RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration the recommendation and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in paragraph 11 and resolved to be MINDED TO GRANT planning permission subject to conditions; informatives; the agreement of a s106 agreement with details of materials to be approved by the Head of Development Control in consultation with the Chair, Deputy Chair and Opposition Spokespersons, and the additional informatives set out below:


i)       You are requested by the Local Planning Authority to consider entering discussion with the City’s Blue Plaque panel  to assist in providing siting and funding for a blue plaque to commemorate the location of the original Hannington’s Department Store.

Supporting documents:


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