Agenda item - BH2013/01223 - The Mill House Public House, 131 Mill Lane, Portslade - Full Planning Permission

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Agenda item

BH2013/01223 - The Mill House Public House, 131 Mill Lane, Portslade - Full Planning Permission

Erection of single storey rear extension with associated external alterations.



Erection of single storey rear extension with associated external alterations.


(1)                   The Area Planning Manager (Nicola Hurley) introduced the application and gave a presentation by reference to plans, photographs and elevational drawings. It was explained that two previous applications had been refused under delegated powers, and both dismissed at appeal, for schemes to create rear extensions for reasons relating to design and bulk. This revised scheme had reduced in terms of its footprint, and had a pitched roof with a flat roof on the link parts to the existing building. For the reasons set out in the report the application was recommendation for approval.


Questions for Officers, Debate and Decision Making Process


(2)                   Councillor Hamilton explained that some residents believed that the application was to allow the pub to become a convenience store, and it was clarified by Officers that the premises would be able to operate as an A1 retail unit without the need for planning permission.


(3)                   Councillor Gilbey asked if the parade of shops would be protected if the premises were to change to a convenience store; in response it was explained that this would not be given consideration as the change was permitted without planning permission.


(4)                   Councillor Hamilton noted he was pleased to see that the design was in-keeping with the parent building.


(5)                   A vote was taken a planning permission was granted on a vote 9 in favour with 3 abstentions.


31.6       RESOLVED – That the Committee had taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the section 11 of the report and the polices and guidance in section 7 of the report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives set out in section 11 of the report.

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