Agenda item - BH2013/01318 - 154-155 Edward Street, Brighton - Full Planning Permission

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Agenda item

BH2013/01318 - 154-155 Edward Street, Brighton - Full Planning Permission

Change of use from offices (B1) to education (D1).



Change of use from offices (B1) to education (D1).


(1)                   It was noted that this application had formed the subject of a site visit prior to the meeting.


(2)                   The Case Officer (Jonathan Puplett) introduced the application and gave a presentation by reference to plans, photographs and elevational drawings. The application site related to a four storey office building adjoining a conservation area, and backing onto residential properties. Permission was sought to change the accommodation from office use to education use, and there would be no internal or external alterations. The building was a block design and the upper three storeys were ‘L’ shaped, and there was an undercroft at street level used for parking; as well as an existing basement car park. There was also a large flat roof at first floor level over the ground floor, and the site was adjoined by Cavendish House to the south where permission had been granted at appeal to change the use from office to education for use by Brighton University. The loss of the office space would normally need associated proof to demonstrate that the space was redundant; however, weight was given to the applicant, and their wider strategic aims as this application would allow the University of Brighton to vacate a number of smaller sites in the city which could be used as office space. The Council also acknowledged the major role of the universities within the city, and sought to aid them in reaching their objectives. It was therefore considered appropriate to restrict the educational use to the University of Brighton only. There were a number of conditions seeking to restrict opening hours, and protect the amenity of neighbours; as well as a management plan for the arrival, departure and congregation of students. It was noted that the University objected to the opening hours, and the restriction of the use of the outside space, but it was felt these conditions were necessary to protect the amenity of neighbours. Further details were also sought through condition of the disabled and cycle parking; a travel plan; details of sustainability and the provision of 20% local labour during the refurbishment. For the reasons set out in the report it was recommended that the Committee be minded to grant the application.


Questions for Officers, Debate and Decision Making Process


(3)                   It was confirmed for Councillor Carol Theobald that the requirement in such size schemes was 20% local labour; however, developers would often seek to go above this. It was proposed that changes to this threshold could be considered by the Planning Working Group.


(4)                   Councillor Randall asked for further information on how the use of local labour was monitored, and it was explained that in-depth monitoring was undertaken by Officers in the Economic Development Team and through s106 agreements.


(5)                   Councillor Shanks raised concern in relation to the congregation of students outside the building, and in response Officers explained that these details would be outlined in the management plan; if the Council then had concerns about the operation of the site then it would have proper framework to discuss these with the University.


(6)                   It was confirmed for Councillor Gilbey that it was not the intention of the University to ‘knock through’ into Cavendish House, and it was considered the opening time of 08.00 hours was appropriate on this site given the larger size compared with Cavendish House.


(7)                   A vote was taken and planning permission was unanimously granted.


31.4       RESOLVED – That the Committee had taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the section 11 of the report and the polices and guidance in section 7 of the report and resolves to be MINDED TO GRANT planning permission subject to the completion of a s106 planning legal agreement and the Conditions and Informatives set out in section 11 of the report.

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