Agenda item - BH2012/03872 - Brighton Station, Queen's Road, Brighton - Planning Permission

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Agenda item

BH2012/03872 - Brighton Station, Queen's Road, Brighton - Planning Permission

Erection of three storey building to provide cycle storage, ancillary shower/changing facilities, cycle shop, café, cycle repair outlet and cycle hire.



Erection of three storey building to provide cycle storage, ancillary shower/changing facilities, cycle shop, café, cycle repair outlet and cycle hire.


(1)                   It was noted that this application had formed the subject of a site visit prior to the meeting.


(2)                   The Case Officer (Maria Seale) introduced the application and gave a presentation by reference to photographs, plans and elevational and sectional drawings; reference was also made to matters on the Late List. The development site consisted of a three storey cycle hub, and the associated outside space; the site was next to Site J of the New England Quarter which was currently under construction. The building would appear as two storeys from the concourse level at the station, and the lower storey would only be visible from the rear. The building would contain a cycle hub with: secure storage for 500 bikes; a bike shop and café, and shower and changing facilities, and there would be turnstile ‘key’ access the cycle storage. A further 170 cycle spaces would be retained elsewhere on site, and there would be an overall net increase of approximately 420 spaces on the station site as a whole. The development was a non-profit scheme from the Department for Transport together with Southern Rail and Network Rail, and funding would be drawn from the wider Brighton Station Gateway project. The building would be of modern appearance and use design and rhythm from the listed station to the rear; however, the building would be largely hidden on most aspects by the new Block J and other existing office buildings behind it. The application also made provision for a series of landscaping improvements on the site; in particular a piece of land between the site and Site J, and the final layout of the landscaping would be secured through condition. The application was considered to be an innovative and exciting community facility that would complement both the listed buildings and more modern buildings surrounding it, and would be a welcome additional to the Station. For the reasons set out in the report the application was recommended for approval.


Questions for Officers


(3)                   Councillor Cox asked how the bikes would be loaded on the racks given that they were likely to be installed as one rack on top of another. In response the Principal Transport Officer (Steven Shaw) explained that they were looking at using gas assisted mechanisms, and the full level of detail would be secured through condition. Following a further query from Councillor Cox the Case Officer explained that local businesses and residents had been consulted as a direct result of the application; as well as consultation as part of the wider Brighton Station Gateway project.


(4)                   In response to Councillor Randall it was explained that the building would be overshadowed by those around it, and it might not be suitable for the installation of photovoltaic panels; furthermore due to the tight budgetary constraints of the project it had been considered important to use funds to achieve the right landscaping solution at the site.


(5)                   Councillor Carol Theobald asked for more information in relation to the security of the bikes. In response the Case Officer explained that access to the storage would be by key, and there were wider security measures on the station site as whole including: CCTV; security lighting and a general security presence on the site.


(6)                   In response to Councillor Gilbey it was explained that the cycle storage was on the ground floor and could be accessed directly from the street level. There was a lift which would carry one person and a bike to use the bike repair shop facility on the first floor.


(7)                   Councillor Hyde asked if the building would have been an appropriate location for a green roof, and in response it was explained that Officers had raised this with the applicant, but it had not been possible due to the budgetary constrains; however, there would be biodiversity on the site through the landscaping.


Debate and Decision Making Process


(8)                   Councillor Carol Theobald stated that this was a very good facility, and would make the whole site look much tidier.


(9)                   Councillor Wells stated that it was a great idea, and would give commuters who cycled to the station more peace of mind for the security of their bikes.


(10)               Councillor Hyde stated that the application would open up the area much more to allow cyclists who lived further away to store their bikes on the site.


(11)               Councillor Jones welcomed the design and the development generally, but he noted that he felt the lack of a green roof was a missed opportunity.


(12)               Councillor Littman stated that this kind of form was appropriate in this location, and would help to link the whole site together more. He asked if there could be a facility to provide charging points for electrical bikes on site, and the Committee agreed it would add an additional condition to this extent.


(13)               Councillor Cox noted that the number of cycle spaces was still lower when compared with other stations nationally.


(14)               A vote was taken and planning permission was unanimously granted.


31.1       RESOLVED – That the Committee had taken into the consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the section 11 of the report and the polices and guidance in section 7 of the report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives set out in section 11 of the report, and the additional condition set out below:


        i.                 (Condition 6) The internal layout of the building including the internal staircase and lift link to all three floors, as shown on the approved drawings (except for the ground floor cycle storage area), shall be implemented before the development hereby permitted is first brought into use. Details of the ground floor cycle storage layout shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and shall include provision for access to charging points and space to serve electrical bicycles. The approved ground floor layout shall be implemented before the building is first brought into use and the cycle parking facilities shall thereafter be retained for use by visitors to the development at all times.


Reason: The provision of the internal staircase and lift links all three floors will help ensure the building relates successfully to its surroundings and the public open space to the north and for accessibility reasons, and to ensure the cycle storage layout incorporates sufficient aisle width to ensure the stands are usable, and to encourage travel by means other than private motor vehicles, to comply with policies QD1, QD2, QD3, QD15, EM13, TR1 and TR14 of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan and to meet the objectives of the Brighton Station Gateway project.


      ii.                 (Condition 15) The development hereby permitted shall not be first brought into use until a Building Research Establishment issued Post Construction Review Certificate confirming that the development has achieved a BREEAM rating of ‘Good’ has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure the development is sustainable and makes efficient use of water, energy and materials to comply with policy SU2 of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan and SPD08.

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