Agenda item - BH2013/01106 - 40-42 Upper St James's Street, Brighton - Full Planning Permission

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Agenda item

BH2013/01106 - 40-42 Upper St James's Street, Brighton - Full Planning Permission

Erection of a two storey extension creating additional second and third floors.  Creation of 2no flats at second and third floor levels.



Erection of a two storey extension creating additional second and third floors.  Creation of 2no flats at second and third floor levels.


(1)                   The Area Planning Manager introduced the application and gave a presentation by reference to plans, photographs and elevational drawings. The property currently comprised a Thai Restaurant with a residential flat above, and the shop frontage wrapped around the corner. The application sought to add two additional storeys to create a three bedroom flat and a two bedroom flat; it was also noted that the third floor would be inset to allow it to better protect neighbour amenity, it was noted that the proposals matched the building height that was present generally in the area, and the proposed stepping up feature had also been used to mirror similar nearby features in the Conservation Area. Planning permission had been granted in 2004 for a similar scheme, but had since lapsed. In relation to neighbour impact it was noted that the only affected windows were secondary or non-habitable, and there was a reasonable level of light due to the existing distances between buildings. It was also noted that two storey buildings were not the normal feature along this stretch of road. The Heritage Team were satisfied that the design was sensitive and would mirror existing features, and the previously approved scheme was a material consideration. The application was recommended for approval for the reasons set out in the report.


Questions for Officers


(2)                   It was confirmed for Councillor Hyde that the distance between the flank walls would be 2.9 metres.


(3)                   It was confirmed for Councillor Davey that the flat on the second floor would be a three bedroom, and the one of the third floor would be a two bedroom unit.


(4)                   It was clarified for Councillor Cox that CAG were of the view that the application should be refused.


(5)                   Councillor Carol Theobald asked about the impact on Wyndham Street, and Officers stated that this was considered a reasonable transition in the area.


Debate and Decision Making Process


(6)                   Mr Lusser explained that CAG had discussed the application at length, and they felt it should be refused. He explained that there was a mixture of height and styles in the area, the row of terrace houses in Wyndham Street created an unbroken line of approximately eleven Grade 2 listed buildings, and it was the view of CAG that the character of these side streets should be protected. It was felt that the addition of two storeys would be out of character and excessive in terms of the impact on Wyndham Street.


(7)                   Councillor Carol Theobald stated that the development was one storey too many; would be out of proportion with Wyndham Street, and she would be voting against the Officer recommendation.


(8)                   A vote was taken and planning permission was granted on a vote of 9 to 1.


18.5       RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in section 11 of the report and the policies and guidance in section 7 of the report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives set out in section 11 of the report.


              Note: Councillors Littman and Wakefield were not present at the meeting.

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