Agenda item - I.BH2013/00947 - Second and Third Floor Flat, 11 Powis Road, Brighton- Householder Planning Permission

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Agenda item

I.BH2013/00947 - Second and Third Floor Flat, 11 Powis Road, Brighton- Householder Planning Permission

Removal of existing rear dormer and replacement with new dormer with a timber decked balcony and glass balustrade. Installation of rear rooflight.


Ward Affected: Regency


              Removal of existing rear dormer and replacement with new dormer with a timber decked balcony and glass balustrade. Installation of rear roof light.


              Introduction From Officer(s)


(1)          The Planning Manager, Mr Ellwood referred to some additional representations set out in the “Late Representations List” and to the fact that the application address was located in Brighton and not Hove as set out at the head of the report, all other particulars given in respect of the scheme were correct. A presentation was given by reference to photographs of the existing structure also showing rear dormers of neighbouring properties, two of which were not considered appropriate but had been in existence for some time and pre-dated current planning requirements. Plans showing the proposals were also displayed. Planning permission was sought for the removal of an existing small rear dormer (probably contemporary with the host dwelling) and replacement with a new dormer, to have full width folding doors leading onto a timber decked balcony with glass balustrade. The proposal also included the installation of a rear rooflight and sun pipe. Te dormer would be offset and would be constructed adjacent to the firewall separating 11 and 12 Powis Road.


(2)          The main considerations were whether the scheme was appropriate in terms of its design and appearance to the surrounding Montpelier and Clifton Hill Conservation Area and the recipient building and whether the scheme would have a detrimental impact on the amenity of adjacent residential properties. It was considered that the balcony would have a detrimental impact and that the proposed development would significantly harm the character and appearance of the existing property and the surrounding conservation area and would give rise to unacceptable levels of overlooking, it was therefore recommended for refusal.


              Questions of Officers


(3)          The Chair, Councillor Hawtree sought confirmation regarding the potential impact of the proposed development on the lower floors of the existing building. The Planning Manager explained that was hard to ascertain although any development on the site would need to satisfy building control requirements.


              Debate and Decision Making Process


(4)          A vote was taken and the 11 Members present at the meeting voted unanimously that planning permission be refused.


204.9    RESOLVED - That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in section 11 of the report and the policies and guidance in section 7 and resolves to REFUSE planning permission for the reasons set our below.


Reasons for Refusal:

1. The proposed rear dormer and balcony, by virtue of its design, excessive size, use of materials and positioning, would form an incongruous and unsightly feature on this property. Furthermore the proposal would result in the loss of the existing dormer, and therefore part of the property’s historic appearance. The proposal would significantly harm the character and appearance of the existing property and the surrounding Montpelier and Clifton Hill conservation area, contrary to policies QD14 and HE 6 of the Brighton & Hove Local Plan and SPGBH1 ‘Roof Alterations & Extensions’.


2. The proposed balcony, by virtue of its elevated position, would result in material harm to the amenity of neighbouring properties by way of overlooking and potential noise disturbance, contrary to policy QD27 of the Brighton & Hove Local Plan.



1. In accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework the approach to making a decision on this planning application has been to apply the presumption in favour of sustainable development. The Local Planning Authority seeks to approve planning applications which are for sustainable development where possible.


2. This decision is based on the drawings received listed below:


Existing drawings 1196 A.001 10th April 2013

Proposed drawings 1196 D.001 A 10th April 2013

Supporting documents:


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