Agenda item - BH2012/03982 - The Old Ship Hotel, 31-38 Kings Road, Brighton - Extension to Time Limit Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2012/03982 - The Old Ship Hotel, 31-38 Kings Road, Brighton - Extension to Time Limit Full Planning

Replacement application for the demolition of hotel garage and construction of new 7 storey extension (basement - 5th floor) to provide 42 bedrooms, 2 conference rooms, car parking and restaurant/bar.



Replacement application for the demolition of hotel garage and construction of new 7 storey extension (basement - 5th floor) to provide 42 bedrooms, 2 conference rooms, car parking and restaurant/bar.


(1)                   The Planning Officer, Steve Lewis, introduced application BH2012/03982 for extension to limit for full planning permission and application BH2012/03998 for conservation area consent and gave a presentation by reference photographs, plans, elevational drawings and an unverified artist’s impression. The application sought the extension of the permission granted in 2010 and replacement conservation area consent. It was noted that the application site was located in the Old Town conservation area. It was explained that little had changed since the previous approval. Floor plans were shown and it was noted that there was a basement car park with lift access, and a combination of conference rooms, bedrooms and staff quarters spread across the other floors. The s106 monies would be used as in the previous application for highways improvements and public art. The application was recommended to be minded to grant for the reasons set out in the report.


Questions for Officers and Decision Making Process


(2)                   In response to a query from Councillor Carol Theobald it was explained that the Council did not have any information about the likelihood of the scheme being implemented.


(3)                   Following a query from Councillor Davey it was confirmed by Officers that the payment of the section 106 monies would be due at the point of implementation of the scheme.


(4)                   A vote was taken and planning permission was unanimously granted.


155.1     RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation, and the policies and guidance set out in the report and resolves to be MINDED TO GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives in the report.

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