Agenda item - Budget Scrutiny Panel Report

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Agenda item

Budget Scrutiny Panel Report


35.1    Cllr K Norman introduced the Budget Scrutiny Panel Report. He advised members this was the second year he has chaired the Budget Scrutiny Panel; both times looking at a budget brought forward in challenging conditions. Brighton & Hove City Council, like all local authorities, needed to respond to the wider economic realities in relation to the resources received from Government as well as those raised locally.


35.2    The role of this panel was to review the administration’s draft budget proposals by critiquing and commenting upon them. There were five evidence gathering sessions with each of the lead members and committee chairs. The proposals had less detail than last year and discussions were at times more philosophic and reflective of issues such as models of service delivery and the possibilities of partnerships, pooled budgets and trading companies rather than looking at specific proposals.


35.3    Cllr Norman thanked all the witnesses, panel members, representatives from the community, voluntary and business sectors for their participation in this process.


35.4    Cllr Norman suggested that the budget scrutiny needed a rethink as the outcomes did not justify the amount of time devoted to the process. Whilst elements of the process worked well, other parts needed to be changed.


35.5    Cllr Hawtree commented on the paradoxes within the process in having both a scrutiny and political process through which to develop a budget. He was glad there was now general acceptance a two year budget was a good thing and that the involvement of the third and business sectors should be built upon. He was in favour of an on-going dialogue with regards to the budget throughout the year.


35.6    There was debate as to the merits of a more political budget setting process with Cllr Farrow and Cllr Marsh highlighting the benefits of a robust debate at council, whilst other members, such as Cllr Kennedy seeing some merit in a less political process.


The scrutiny process does allow for a transparent look at potential changes to the budget, and for partners in the city to comment on proposals.


35.7    It was agreed to endorse the report and forward it to Policy and Resources Committee.


35.8    It was requested that a report be brought to OSC in the summer outlining potential budget setting processes, building upon the involvement of the community and voluntary and business sectors, participatory budgeting and enhanced public consultation.


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