Agenda item - Chairman's Communications

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Agenda item

Chairman's Communications


              Web casting


184.1    The Chairman explained that afternoon’s meeting of the Planning Committee was being web cast. Members were reminded to speak directly into the microphones and to switch them off when they had finished speaking in order to ensure that they could be heard clearly.


              Member/Officer Working Group


184.2    The Chairman explained that a Member/Officer Working Group was being set up to improve the smooth running of the Committee’s business and to ensure that Members were involved in planned changes to the planning process. Details would be forwarded to Members.


              Pre Application Meetings


184.3    The Development Control Manager explained that in order to facilitate consideration of major applications where appropriate, applicants would have the opportunity to give presentations to Members regarding proposed schemes at the pre application stage. It was proposed that presentations would be given following planning site visits in those instances where this was considered applicable. Details would be forwarded to Members.


184.4    RESOLVED – That the position be noted.


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