Agenda item - Future Involvement and Participation on Planning Committee by Brighton & Hove Federation of Disabled People

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Agenda item

Future Involvement and Participation on Planning Committee by Brighton & Hove Federation of Disabled People

Dr John Hastie will be in attendance to speak on behalf of the Federation.


154.1    Dr Hastie was present representing the Brighton and Hove Federation of Disabled People. He explained that although representatives of the Federation had not formally attended meetings of the Committee for some time they had a “Get Involved” team who had been proactively liaising with officers from City Planning NHS partners and others. This had proved to be very productive as it had enabled a broad group of individuals to have input, particularly in relation to major developments at an early pre-application stage. All parties had found this approach to be beneficial.


154.2    Dr Hastie stated that it was intended that a Federation representative would attend and speak at Planning Committee meetings when the Federation considered it appropriate to do so, rather than attending every meeting.


154.3    Councillors Carden, C Theobald and Wells welcomed that approach that had been adopted and the Chairman commented that this early input had proved very productive.


154.4    RESOLVED - That the position be noted.


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