Issue - items at meetings - Royal Pavilion & Museums

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Issue - meetings

Royal Pavilion & Museums

Meeting: 12/11/2015 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 33)

33 Royal Pavilion & Museums pdf icon PDF 152 KB

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (copy attached).


33.1       The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive in relation to Royal Pavilion & Museums. The purpose of the report was to present the Committee with information, and provide the opportunity to raise questions, around the proposal to move the direct governance of the Royal Pavilion and Museums from the Council to a new cultural charitable entity. The commended the report and highlighted that the Committee were currently only being asked to note the report. The Royal Pavilion was the city’s biggest historical asset and the trust was considered a means to secure its future.


33.2       Councillor Peltzer Dunn noted his support for the proposals and the benefits that could be achieved by setting up a trust; he also commended the proposed timetable to undertake this work.


33.3       In response to Councillor Druitt it was explained that consultation would normally take place after the decision to proceed.


33.4       In response to Councillor Greenbaum it was clarified that there was an expectation for two elected Members to sit on the trust board, but this level of detail had not yet been worked out and would be the subject of a full business were this approved. There were many examples of similar work across the country and the finances would be worked up as part of the business case.


33.5       In response to Councillor Yates it was clarified that the board of trustees would be able to also comprise of external experts, for example for businesses.


33.6       Councillor Robins noted that he sat on the existing management; he explained there was already drive and enthusiasm to progress this work.


33.7       In response to Councillor Nemeth Officers clarified how acquisitions were currently made.


33.8       The Chair noted that there was an amendment from the Green Group which was proposed by Councillor Druitt and seconded by Councillor Greenbaum. The amendment was carried.


33.9       The Chair then put the amended recommendations to the vote.


33.10    RESOLVED:


1)        That Members are asked to note that a full business case for the establishment of the Trust is being developed which will set out the context and financial imperative to move the management of the Royal Pavilion and Museums to the Trust for presentation to the Policy & Resources Committee in January 2016.


2)        That the business case being put forward to the Policy & Resources Committee will include options for requiring the new charitable organisation and trading subsidiary to commit ethical, environmentally sustainable business practices and fair contractual terms for all staff (new and existing). This will include options such as a commitment to pursuing ethical, environmentally sustainable funding and/or investment opportunities, employer accreditation schemes, living wage schemes and a commitment to recognise trade unions for employees, and any other relevant schemes.


33.1       The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive in relation to Royal Pavilion & Museums. The purpose of the report was to present the Committee with information, and provide the opportunity to raise questions, around the proposal to move the direct governance of the Royal Pavilion and Museums from the Council to a new cultural charitable entity. The Chair commended the report and highlighted that the Committee were currently only being asked to note the report. The Royal Pavilion was the city’s biggest historical asset and the trust was considered a means to secure its future.


33.2       Councillor Peltzer Dunn noted his support for the proposals and the benefits that could be achieved by setting up a trust; he also commended the proposed timetable to undertake this work.


33.3       In response to Councillor Druitt it was explained that consultation would normally take place after the decision to proceed.


33.4       In response to Councillor Greenbaum it was clarified that there was an expectation that two elected Members would sit on the trust board, but this level of detail had not yet been worked through and would be the subject of a full business were this approved. There were many examples of similar work across the country and the finances would be worked up as part of the business case.


33.5       In response to Councillor Yates it was clarified that the board of trustees would be able to also comprise of external experts, for example from local businesses.


33.6       Councillor Robins noted that he sat on the existing management board; he explained there was already drive and enthusiasm to progress this work.


33.7       In response to Councillor Nemeth the current acquisitions process was clarified by Officers.


33.8       The Chair noted that there was an amendment from the Green Group which was proposed by Councillor Druitt and seconded by Councillor Greenbaum. The amendment was carried.


33.9       The Chair then put the amended recommendations to the vote.


33.10    RESOLVED:


1)        That Members are asked to note that a full business case for the establishment of the Trust is being developed which will set out the context and financial imperative to move the management of the Royal Pavilion and Museums to the Trust for presentation to the Policy & Resources Committee in January 2016.


2)        That the business case being put forward to the Policy & Resources Committee will include options for requiring the new charitable organisation and trading subsidiary to commit to ethical, environmentally sustainable business practices and fair contractual terms for all staff (new and existing). This will include options such as a commitment to pursuing ethical, environmentally sustainable funding and/or investment opportunities, employer accreditation schemes, living wage schemes and a commitment to recognise trade unions for employees, and any other relevant schemes.


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