Issue - items at meetings - Brighton & Hove City Council Corporate Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2015-19

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Issue - meetings

Brighton & Hove City Council Corporate Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2015-19

Meeting: 26/03/2015 - Council (Item 77)

77 Brighton & Hove City Council Corporate Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2015-19 pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Additional documents:


Meeting: 19/03/2015 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 154)

154 Brighton & Hove City Council Corporate Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2015-19 pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Report of the Chief Executive (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1)           That Policy & Resources Committee:


(i)        Approve the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2015-19 set out in Appendix 2.


(ii)       Consider the Corporate Plan 2015- 2019 set out in Appendix 1 and recommend it with or without amendment to Council for approval.




2)           That Council approve the final version of the Corporate Plan 2015-19.



154.1    The Committee considered a report of the Chief Executive in relation to Brighton & Hove City Council Corporate Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2015-2019. The Corporate Plan was part of the Council’s policy framework, and set the overall direction for the Council over the coming four years; it also set the vision, principles and priorities which were shared with Brighton & Hove Connected. A draft version of the Corporate Plan was approved by the Committee on 4 December 2014 and it was recommended that the final version of the Corporate Plan and the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2015-19 be referred for adoption following the setting of the 2015/16 budget.


154.2    Councillor G. Theobald stated that he did not agree in principle with the reference at 3.14 to ‘the Medium Term Financial Strategy assuming the highest level of resources available form Council Tax each year without triggering a referendum.’ However, he went on to add that he welcomed many aspects of the Corporate Plan in particular the references to: efficiency; a smaller organisation; greater third sector involvement and provision; increased citizen role and a more connected city. Councillor G. Theobald queried why this approach had taken so long to come forward, and argued that should have been the long-term strategy when the administration moved away from the commissioning structure introduced by the previous administration. Reference was also made the increased role of regional bodies, and thanks were extended to the Policy Team for their work on the plan.


154.3    The Chair agreed that both the city region and the LEP would become more important going forward, and the Corporate Plan sought to build on the direction of travel over the last four years.


154.4    Councillor Morgan thanked Officers that had been involved in the production of the Corporate Plan; the plan would provide the framework for the next four years whilst allowing flexibility given the uncertain political outcome of the local elections.


154.5    The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.


154.6    RESOLVED


1)        That Policy & Resources Committee:


(i)        Approve the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2015-19 set out in Appendix 2.


(ii)       Consider the Corporate Plan 2015- 2019 set out in Appendix 1 and recommend it with or without amendment to Council for approval.




2)        That Council approve the final version of the Corporate Plan 2015-19.


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