Issue - items at meetings - Hove Park Secondary School Academy Conversion Consultation

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Issue - meetings

Hove Park Secondary School Academy Conversion Consultation

Meeting: 02/06/2014 - Children & Young People Committee (Item 12)

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Report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).


            RESOLVED – (1) That having considered the Chair’s request that as part of the consultation process the Council should administer a ballot asking parents whether they agree with the governing body’s proposal that Hove Park School should convert to academy status. It is proposed that all parents of pupils currently attending the school together with parents of those pupils offered places for September 2014 should be invited to take part in the ballot; and


(2) That the committee agree to the council undertaking a parent ballot. That the ballot be in paper form including a short covering letter to parents. It is proposed that the ballot asks one simple question; “Do you agree that Hove Park Secondary School should convert to become an Academy – Yes or No”. It is proposed that the ballot is circulated via the school with a pre-paid envelope provided by the council for parents to return their response to the council who will analyse and communicate the results. Reference to the ballot will be referred to on the council website.



12.1         The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Children’s Services in relation to Hove Park Secondary Academy Conversion Consultation. On the 31 March 2014 the Governing Body of the Hove Park Secondary School resolved to begin a process of consultation regarding the possibility of the school converting to become an academy. It was proposed that the consultation would involve both current and prospective parents of pupils at the school, students, staff and the local authority.


12.2         The Chair introduced the report, and stated it was important to ensure the consultation was as wide ranging as possible, but the outcome of the ballot would not be binding on the decision of the governors at the school.


12.3         Councillor Mitchell stated that she would be supporting holding the ballot, but had some concerns in relation to the process. She felt the ballot would have been better agreed at the beginning on the consultation process and was mindful that the role of local education authority (LEA) remain impartial. Councillor Mitchell requested more information on who would be counted the ballot papers. She went on to add that this could potentially add further tensions to the situation and felt Members should avoid lobby for either side.


12.4         Councillor Wealls stated he would not support the ballot and felt that the politicisation of the issue had been such that it would be difficult for any ballot to be reasonable, and he was concerned that the best interests of the young people at the school had been lost in the debate. The school had already made significant efforts in terms of their consultation and he noted that the national trend was towards schools becoming academes.


12.5         In response to some of the points made the Executive Director explained that the covering letter would reference the school’s website and the website of the opposition group, and the count of the ballot would be undertaken by Officers in Children’s Services and Democratic Services.


12.6         Councillor Brown noted that the final decision would be made by the governors and she was of the view that the Council should not be funding the ballot on the basis that the decision would be made elsewhere. She also added that some of the comments from the groups calling on staff and students to strike were irresponsible.


12.7         One of the representatives from the Youth Council stated that those making the decision would need to carefully think about the impact on the education of those at the school, and the pupils should be balloted.


12.8         Councillor Gilbey asked if Members of the Committee could see a draft of the letter prior to it being issued as her Group had made it clear how important consultation with parents would be. She stated there were many students from Portslade whose parents had made a conscious decision to not send them to the local academy, PACA – which would otherwise have been their catchment school.


12.9         Councillor Littman noted that he agreed with the comments made by Councillors Mitchell and Gilbey and felt that the letter accompanying the ballot would be crucial to the exercise. It was important to LEA were able to facilitate the consultation without being drawn into the debate.


12.10    Councillor Cox stated that the Council should not facilitate the ballot as the decision was with the governing body of the school; proper consultation had already taken place and he had confidence they would decide in the best interests of the students. He went on to add he was concerned about the negative nature of some of the campaigning and the language that had been used. In summary he added that the national trend was towards academies.


12.11    Councillor Robins noted that it was important parents were properly consulted through the process.


12.12    The Chair then put the recommendation to the vote.


12.13    RESOLVED:


(1)               That having considered the Chair’s request that as part of the consultation process the Council should administer a ballot asking parents whether they agree with the governing body’s proposal that Hove Park School should convert to academy status. It is proposed that all parents of pupils currently attending the school together with parents of those pupils offered places for September 2014 should be invited to take part in the ballot; and,


(2)               That the Committee agree to the council undertaking a parent ballot. That the ballot be in paper form including a short covering letter to parents. It is proposed that the ballot asks one simple question; “Do you agree that Hove Park Secondary School should convert to become an Academy – Yes or No”. It is proposed that the ballot is circulated via the school with a pre-paid envelope provided by the council for parents to return their response to the council who will analyse and communicate the results. Reference to the ballot will be referred to on the council website.


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