Issue - items at meetings - Appointment to Brighton Estates Conservation Trust

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Issue - meetings

Appointment to Brighton Estates Conservation Trust

Meeting: 12/06/2014 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 18)

Appointment to Brighton Estates Conservation Trust

Nominations are sought for the two representative positions for 2014/15 on the Brighton Estates Conservation Trust – Currently Councillors Mitchell and West.

Additional documents:


18.1      The Committee considered the Appointment to Brighton Estates Conservation Trust; this had been delegated to the Committee as it was not able to be determined at Annual Council for reasons of sensitivity. Nominations were sought for the two representative positions for 2014/15 and these roles were currently filled by Councillors Mitchell and West. The Chair asked for nomination:


18.2      Councillor G. Theobald nominated Councillor Janio and this was seconded by Councillors A. Norman.


18.3      Councillor Morgan nominated Councillor Mitchell and this was seconded by Councillor Lepper.


18.4      Councillor J. Kitcat nominated Councillor West and this was seconded by Councillor Sykes.


18.5      A recorded vote was then taken by the Acting Democratic Services Manager; as listed below:






J. Kitcat
























A. Norman




Peltzer Dunn








G. Theobald





18.6      As there was a tie in the vote the Chair exercised his casting vote and voted for Councillor Mitchell.


18.7      The Chair then proposed that Councillors Mitchell and West be appointed to Brighton & Hove Estates Conservation Trust.


18.8      RESOLVED: That the Committee agree the appointment.


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