Issue - items at meetings - Travellers Update - Joint Police & Council Presentation

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Issue - meetings

Travellers Update - Joint Police & Council Presentation

Meeting: 09/06/2014 - Community Safety Forum (Item 13)

Management of Unauthorised Encampments

Presentation by Rachel Chassaud: Head of Tenancy Services.


13.1    The Forum received a presentation from the Head of Tenancy Services, Rachel Chassaud in relation to the management of unauthorised encampments in the city.


13.2    In response to queries from Councillor Barnett the Head of Tenancy Services explained that since the partial closure of the Horsdean site it was much more difficult for the Council to use its Section 62 powers to direct to a transit site, and the groups were often larger than the available number of pitches. There were discussions with Sussex Police in relation to taking a piecemeal approach, but there were issues around splitting up family groups. In relation to anti-social behaviour it was explained that the Council were very aware of the sensitivity of this for the settled community, but it was important the Council achieve a balance and use enforcement powers proportionately – it was also added that there were contracted services that undertook clean-up work.


13.3    In response to Councillor Simson it was explained that there was an important distinctions between ethnic travellers and van dwellers – which was considered a separate matter; there was legislation that defined which groups were legally protected. In relation to the drainage at Horsdean it was explained that the expected works were waiting on a decision from the Secretary of State before a decision could be taken in relation the permanent works. The Chair noted that the Council had asked the Police & Crime Commissioner to lobby the Secretary of State on this matter.


13.4    In relation to the number of travellers that came to the city the Head of Tenancy Services explained that it was not clear why an increased number came to the city when compared with East and West Sussex County Council’s; however, there was proactive work with the other local authorities and Sussex Police to look into this further.


13.5    In response to queries from the LAT representatives on the Forum it was explained that work was always undertaken to move groups on when they set up in community areas such as parks, and there was no easier solution to prevent travellers gaining access to parks such as Preston Park and Stanmer Park.


13.6    In response to further queries from the LAT representative it was explained that it was very difficult to balance the concerns of residents and the rights of the protected groups. The Chief Superintendent added that residents should be forthcomings in reporting any crimes that were committed by travellers and the decision about moving groups on would give consideration to incidents such as reported assaults. It was also added that plain clothes officers would assess sites for anti-social behaviour, but it experience had proved that open dialogue was much more effective to prevent groups feeling excluded.


13.7    In response to Councillor Deane it was explained that the increase in the number of van dwellers could be partially attributed to the increasing number of people becoming homeless, and there was work underway to look at the housing needs who individuals of who were in this situation. In relation to the promotion of communities and cultures there was close work being undertaken with ‘Friends, Families and Travellers’ and there was a key part of the relevant strategy to engage more with the settled community through the LATs.


13.8    Councillor Robins noted he had sat on the scrutiny panel looking at this area, and he felt the proactive meetings with some representatives from the local press had helped to remove some of the hysteria from the issue.


13.9    RESOLVED: That the forum note the update and the points arising from the questions.


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