Issue - items at meetings - Planning Brief for Edward Street Quarter

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Issue - meetings

Planning Brief for Edward Street Quarter

Meeting: 19/09/2013 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 26)

26 Planning Brief for Edward Street Quarter pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).

Additional documents:


26.1         The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director  Environment, Development and Housing outlining the consultation process undertaken in relation to the development of a planning brief for the Edward Street Quarter seeking formal approval of the planning brief which had been updated to take account of the results of stakeholder meetings and the public consultation.









26.--    RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee note the results of the public consultation exercise which have been taken into account in the preparation of the  planning brief (Appendix 2 to the report); and


            (2) That the Committee approves the planning brief (Appendix 1) for the purpose of providing planning guidance to developers and to assist the council in the assessment of future development proposals for the area that it covers.


26.1         The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director  Environment, Development and Housing outlining the consultation process undertaken in relation to the development of a Planning Brief for the Edward Street Quarter seeking formal approval of the Planning Brief which had been updated to take account of the results of stakeholder meetings and the public consultation.


26.2    The Head of Planning and Public Protection explained that when planning permission had been granted to American Express for construction of a new building to the north of their existing building, with demolition of their existing building anticipated by 2016 it had highlighted the need for new planning guidance to supersede the existing Edward Street Quarter Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), adopted in 2006 and now out of date. With the exception of the new American Express building the area was generally characterised by poor public realm and unattractive townscape. The Brief had addressed this directly by emphasising the importance of high quality architecture and public spaces as well as the need for strong pedestrian and transport linkages. This was important document as it covered a large area towards the city centre.


26.3    The Chair, Councillor Bowden stated that he commended this detailed document which gave guidance in relation to an important area of the city, part of which fell within his own ward.


26.4    Councillor Brown also welcomed this document which sought to effect improvements to this currently unattractive townscape including the proposals to improve public spaces especially those intended to make Dorset Gardens Peace Gardens a more welcoming space.


26.5    Councillor Hawtree noted that this document had been subject to extensive consultation and commended it as a thorough piece of work which laid  the groundwork for future development.


26.6    Councillor Mears welcomed the creation of new public spaces which would provide much needed recreational space which would be beneficial to the wider city as well as local residents.


26.7    RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee note the results of the public consultation exercise which have been taken into account in the preparation of the Planning Brief (Appendix 2 to the report); and


            (2) That the Committee approves the planning brief (Appendix 1) for the purpose of providing planning guidance to developers and to assist the council in the assessment of future development proposals for the area that it covers.


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