Issue - items at meetings - Extra Care Housing Update

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Issue - meetings

Extra Care Housing Update

Meeting: 17/06/2013 - Adult Care & Health Committee (Item 14)

14 Extra Care Housing Update pdf icon PDF 171 KB

Report of Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing/Executive Director of Adult Social Services (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)       That it be noted that the recommendations set out in paragraphs (a) to (c) below were approved by the Housing Committee held on 6 March 2013 and the Policy & Resources Committee held on 21 March 2013.    


(a)       That Committee note the proposed Brooke Mead Extra Care scheme which will be funded through affordable rents, a contribution from Adult Social Care revenue budgets, shared ownership and subsidy funding incorporated within the recent bid to the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA).

(b)       That Committee note proposals to proceed with a Planning application for the approval of extra care housing on the Brooke Mead Extra Care scheme, the current timetable for the proposed development and the pursuit of other funding options as detailed in the report.          


(c)        That the Committee recommend that the Policy and Resources Committee agree that the vacant Housing Revenue Account (‘HRA’) block of Brooke Mead, Albion Street, Brighton as shown on the annexed plan be demolished in order to be redeveloped, subject to Planning consent.



14.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Environment, Development and Housing and the Executive Director of Adult Social Services which provided an update on the progress to secure extra care housing in the city in relation to the recent bid to the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA). The report also provided details of the proposed Brooke Mead Extra Care Scheme. The recommendations were agreed at Housing Committee on 6 March 2013 and Policy and Resources Committee on 21 March 2013.


14.2    The Head of Housing Strategy presented the report and informed members that officers were still waiting to hear if the bid to the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA) for funding under the Care & Support Specialist Housing Fund was successful.  He would come back with a report when a decision was known.


14.3    The Executive Director of Adult Social Services thanked the Head of Housing Strategy and his team for their work on this impressive scheme.   The Chair agreed that the scheme was very impressive.


14.4    Councillor Meadows stated that she was pleased that ward councillors had been consulted. She referred to paragraph 5.4 and asked what was meant by short term cash flow deficits.  Councillor Meadows was pleased that the scheme was being progressed and felt it was the way forward for older people.  She asked if the scheme had planning permission.


14.5    The Executive Director explained that people using the scheme would have a care need.  Care costs would come out of the Community Care Budget.  Meanwhile, people would be prevented from going into residential care which would result in savings.  


14.6    The Head of Housing Strategy explained that funding would need to be approved in order for the scheme to be progressed. Planning permission had not yet been granted.  Officers were currently working on the final scheme for submission to Planning.


14.7    Councillor Bowden welcomed the scheme.  He reported that there had been sensitive consultation with ward councillors and residents.  Unfortunately, although there was an acceptance that there was a need for the scheme, not all residents had been happy with the development happening in their ward. 


14.8    Councillor Norman remarked that extra care was an extremely good model and there needed to be more schemes in the city.


14.9    Councillor Mears stated that there had been an extensive presentation on the scheme at the Housing Committee.  She believed that the proposal was the right use for the site.  Councillor Mears stressed that the issue of funding was complex and she had a couple of concerns.   She referred to the finance comments in paragraph 8.1 of the report which stated that the HRA were supplying the land but only £300,000 savings would be achieved by Adult Social Care.  She felt this figure was extremely low.  Councillor Mears referred to paragraph 3.4 which related to the allocations policy.  This stated that in 2009 it was agreed that Extra Care Housing should be allocated through Choice Based Lettings and that this had been the adopted policy ever since.  Councillor Mears considered this was not factually correct and that Adult Social Care did have an allocations policy.  She would like to see the allocations policy and the EIA.   


14.10  The Executive Director of Adult Social Services acknowledged that Adult Social Care did have an allocations policy.  The Head of Adults Provider would send a copy of the policy to Councillor Mears.  The Executive Director welcomed the scheme going through Choice Based Lettings as long as the social care need was paramount. 


14.11  Councillor Mears stressed that it was a legal requirement to have one allocations policy.  She asked for timescales for one policy to be in place.


14.12  The Executive Director replied that she would have to hold discussions with housing regarding this matter.  Meanwhile, the £300,000 savings were a year on year saving. 


14.13  Councillor Norman asked the Head of Housing Strategy to comment on the allocations policy.  The Head of Housing Strategy explained that social housing could only be allocated via published Allocations Policy agreed at Housing Committee.


14.14  RESOLVED - (1)      That it be noted that the recommendations set out in paragraphs (a) to (c) below were approved by the Housing Committee held on 6 March 2013 and the Policy & Resources Committee held on 21 March 2013.    


(a)       That Committee note the proposed Brooke Mead Extra Care scheme which will be funded through affordable rents, a contribution from Adult Social Care revenue budgets, shared ownership and subsidy funding incorporated within the recent bid to the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA).

(b)       That Committee note proposals to proceed with a Planning application for the approval of extra care housing on the Brooke Mead Extra Care scheme, the current timetable for the proposed development and the pursuit of other funding options as detailed in the report.          


(c)        That the Committee recommend that the Policy and Resources Committee agree that the vacant Housing Revenue Account (‘HRA’) block of Brooke Mead, Albion Street, Brighton as shown on the annexed plan be demolished in order to be redeveloped, subject to Planning consent.


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