Issue - items at meetings - Annual Performance Update 2012/13

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Issue - meetings

Annual Performance Update 2012/13

Meeting: 18/07/2013 - Council (Item 22)

22 Annual Performance Update 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Additional documents:


Meeting: 11/07/2013 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 25)

25 Annual Performance Update 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)               That the areas of good progress be noted;


(2)               That the Executive Leadership Team be requested to use the resources at their disposal, including officers in the local authority and thematic partnerships to maintain progress and tackle issues of concern highlighted in the CPP;


(3)               That the arrangements for review of the Performance and Risk Management Framework be noted;


(4)               That the content of the new Organisational Health report be noted; and


(5)               That the report and appendices be recommended to full Council for information.


25.1         The Assistant Chief Executive introduced the report which detailed the three major performance management areas for the city and the council; the City Performance Plan, the Corporate Plan and the Organisational Health Report.  She noted that in regard to the City Performance Plan and the Corporate Plan, 72% and 76% of the plans’ respective targets had been achieved and work towards the remaining targets was progressing.  She also drew attention to the error in the dates listed for the CO2 emissions in appendices 2 and 3 which had been rectified and amended pages circulated and should have referred to 2010 and not 2013.


25.2         The Chair welcomed the report and noted the direction of travel in regard to achieving the aims and objectives that had been indentified in the plans.


25.3         Councillor Mitchell welcomed the improvements for school attainment and placements for looked after children but expressed concern in relation to the increase in reporting of domestic violence incidents and the reduction in recycling rates.


25.4         The Chair acknowledged the concern for domestic violence and noted that the recently appointed Chief Superintendent, Nev Kemp had highlighted the need to focus on tackling the issue.  In regard to the recycling rates, he accepted that levels had reduced but hoped that these figures would improve and noted the support for communal recycling and composting which should be welcomed.


25.5         Councillor Shanks noted that there was a need to improve children’s attainment levels in relation to those on free school meals and was pleased that officers were working with those schools that had been successful to work with and support other schools with a view to improving results.


25.6         Councillor A. Norman welcomed the report and referred to appendix 1 on page 155 and queried how many plans/reports were required from a statutory basis.  She noted that the amount of waste going into landfill had gone down and suggested that it was because of the beneficial impact of the incinerator.  She also queried whether the planning application for the proposed travellers’ site at Horsdean had been delayed because of the quality of ground water listed on page 202 and expressed concern over the level sickness and queried whether any support was available to staff.


25.7         The Chair noted the comments and suggested that it was helpful from a performance management perspective to measure various aspects and therefore did not see the need to review the number of indicators that were in use.


25.8         The Head of City Regeneration stated that the planning application in regard to the Travellers’ Site at Horsdean was being held pending the obtaining of information in regard to water treatment requirements to support the proposed site.


25.9         Councillor Littman referred to the levels of staff sickness and stated that these were monitored regularly and support provided in a number of ways to help staff.  He also noted that there had been a flu spike earlier in the year which may have affected the levels.


25.10    Councillor Morgan stated that it was important for the council to do all it could to reduce sickness rates and levels of domestic violence and hoped that improvements could be made.


25.11    The Assistant Chief Executive stated that a Board covering Violence Against Women and Girls was due to be launched, which would look at how such incidents could be prevented and support provided to those affected.


25.12    The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.




(1)               That the areas of good progress be noted;


(2)               That the Executive Leadership Team be requested to use the resources at their disposal, including officers in the local authority and thematic partnerships to maintain progress and tackle issues of concern highlighted in the CPP;


(3)               That the arrangements for review of the Performance and Risk Management Framework be noted;


(1)               That the content of the new Organisational Health report be noted; and


(2)               That the report and appendices be recommended to full Council for information.


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