Issue - items at meetings - Sports Facilities Plan

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Issue - meetings

Sports Facilities Plan

Meeting: 19/04/2012 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 250)

250 Sports Facilities Plan pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Report of the Strategic Director; Communities (copy attached).

Additional documents:


250.1    Councillor Bowden introduced the report which outlined the proposed Sports Facility Plan that had been drawn up in order to redress the low level of satisfaction amongst residents with local sports facility provision in the city.  This had been identified as a result of Sport’s England’s Active People Survey, which had shown Brighton & Hove as being in the top 25% nationally for sports participation but the bottom 25% for satisfaction of provision.  The Plan listed the priorities that had been identified along with recommendations to help meet them which would enable greater participation and improved facilities and access to and for sports.


250.2    The Chair referred back to the success of the marathon as well as the successful football and cricket clubs and noted that Brighton and Hove was one of the 13 priority areas identified by Sports England for support and investment.  The Plan was a means to enabling that potential investment to be accessed and he hoped it would be supported by all Groups on the council.


250.3    Councillor Mitchell welcomed he report and stated that it was one of the most comprehensive that had been brought forward for consideration.  It provided a platform to build on and one that she hoped would be taken forward as there was a need to look at accessibility for example and making use of sites that required development/improvement e.g. King Alfred.


250.4    Councillor Peltzer Dunn stated that the Administration had inherited a difficult situation and he welcomed the approach to tackle it, but wanted to express some concern over not aiming too high or being too ambitious and thereby raising expectations which may not be met.  There was a need to ensure that the current level of provision and facilities were maintained and not priced out of reach or neglected.


250.5    The Chair noted the comments and stated that there was a need to look at those facilities that existed e.g. in schools and find ways to give greater access to them.  He then put the recommendations to the vote.


250.6    RESOLVED:


(1)         That the recommendations in the Sports Facilities Plan 2012-22 be approved; and


(2)         That delegated authority be granted to officers to begin implementing the following list of required actions:


·              Establishment of a Project Team to begin scoping work on options for the future of the King Alfred Leisure Centre to be funded initially from £40k existing capital budget within Major projects;

·              Investigate options for increased access to school facilities;

·              Explore options for a purpose built gymnastics facility;

·              Explore options for improved athletics facilities;

·              Improve the quantity and quality of health and fitness facilities;

·              Improve the quantity and quality of artificial grass pitches.


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