Issue - items at meetings - Monitoring Staff Disabilities Scrutiny Recommendations

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Issue - meetings

Monitoring Staff Disabilities Scrutiny Recommendations

Meeting: 05/04/2011 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 75)

75 Monitoring Staff Disabilities Scrutiny Recommendations pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Report of the Strategic Director Resources

Additional documents:


75.1 The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development presented the update on work undertaken on employment and training, since the Disability Scrutiny Panel report and response to the recommendations from 23 September 2010 Cabinet. This was part of OSC’s role in monitoring work on implementing scrutiny recommendations.


75.2 She said there was continuing involvement by the Disabled Workers’ Forum (DWF). DWF had given expert advice in developing policies and procedures, including attendance policy and e-learning on diversity - which now has 85% uptake amongst staff.  There would be continuing work on the recommendations and learning from colleagues in the DWF.


75.3 Members welcomed the report and asked for a further monitoring report to a future meeting.


75.4 With the agreement of the Chair, Councillor David Watkins spoke about the scrutiny review. He had chaired the scrutiny review and was currently undertaking the role of Councillor Disability Champion working closely with the DWF.


75.5 He requested that the role of Councillor Disability Champion, working through the DWF, be formally recognised within the Constitution.


75.6 After discussion Members agreed that the Council Leader would be asked to consider this request.


75.7 The officers were thanked for progressing all the recommendations.


75.8 RESOLVED  1) that Members note the action taken against the recommendations


2) that a further monitoring report be provided


3) that the Chairman write to the Council Leader to request the designation of Councillor Disability Champion as minuted above at  75.4 and 75.5.


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