Issue - items at meetings - Recommendations on budget proposals from O&SCs to report to 11 Feb Cabinet

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Recommendations on budget proposals from O&SCs to report to 11 Feb Cabinet

Meeting: 26/01/2010 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 70)

70 Recommendations on budget proposals from O&SCs to report to 11 Feb Cabinet pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Report to follow

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70.1    In considering the Head of Scrutiny’s report on Scrutiny of Budget Proposals the Commission welcomed the budget proposals information that had been presented this year to Overview and Scrutiny Committees.


70.2    Much information had been provided and clear proposals drawn up, although there was concern that an element of the proposed savings information was taken to CYPOSC with less than 24 hours notice.


70.3    Before evaluating the effect of Overview and Scrutiny input into the budget-making process, and consider whether to approach this differently in future, Members wished to see the final budget proposals.


70.4    Chairman of CYPOSC said she was pleased to have the views of the Committee’s co-optees. Rent reviews for seafront businesses were commented upon.


70.5    Chairman of ECSOSC was concerned about subsidised bus services savings and timescales. It was suggested by Chairman of CTEOSC that savings could be made by better use of Council buildings for outside events and more of the council’s own business such as interviews for senior posts.


70.6    The Commission asked that in the future Equality Impact Assessments of budget proposals be provided for overview and scrutiny and published.


70.7    The Chairman thanked everyone for attending for this item.


70.8         RESOLVED: 1) That the report be noted and minutes of budget O&S meetings be forwarded to 11 February Cabinet

2) That the budget scrutiny process be considered at a future meeting

3) That the following suggestions be taken forward;

  • Better use of Council buildings for outside events and council’s own business
  • That EIAs be provided in future budget rounds














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