Issue - items at meetings - Minerals and Waste

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Issue - meetings

Minerals and Waste

Meeting: 09/11/2009 - Environment & Community Safety Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 33)

33 Draft Minerals and Waste Core Strategy for Consultation pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Report of the Director of Environment.

Additional documents:


33.1    The Senior Planning Officer and Head of Planning Strategy introduced the report on the Waste and Minerals Core Strategy – Preferred Strategy Consultation. Consultation with stakeholders and amenity groups has previously been held on the issues and options in Spring 2008. This consultation stage on the preferred strategy was open for public comment until 2 December 2009.


33.2    A Quick Reference Guide had been e-mailed around to all Councillors. The Strategy had to be deliverable and demonstrably sound and so constructive challenge was helpful in testing the robustness of the approach.


33.3    Workshops or public exhibitions were to be held in Uckfield, Lewes, Brighton and Hove and Eastbourne. It was challenging to engage with consultees other than specific amenity groups and officers would encourage greater consultation, for example via Parish Councils if gaps in responses were identified.


33.4    For Brighton and Hove the main issue for minerals planning is shipping in aggregates including sand  and gravel via Shoreham Harbour. The Strategy encourages efficient use and maximum recycling of these materials. Some Members felt it would be helpful if aggregates recycling targets could be included in the strategy.


33.5    In terms of the key issue for waste planning, this consultation Strategy takes a medium growth-rate scenario. It does not make any provision for waste from London which conflicts with the South East Plan. Officers outlined that there is robust evidence to back up this approach in the Strategy. The Strategy seeks to focus development on brownfield sites close to the main urban areas, taking into account the many constraints such as the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and South Downs National Park.


33.5    The strategy is technology-neutral and is flexible enough to be able to accommodate new technologies that may emerge during the period up to 2026 if they offer a more sustainable method of waste treatment. Some Members thought it would be helpful if this could be made clearer in the document.


33.6    Provision is made in the Strategy for managing green waste under the broader heading of ‘recycling and recovery’ because it falls under both household and commercial waste streams. A new facility has recently been constructed in East Sussex and will shortly be accepting green waste.


33.7         Recommendation 2.1 was amended on the basis that ECSOSC Councillors could reply to the consultation individually rather than collectively. 


33.8    RESOLVED  (1) That Members of ECSOSC comment as part of the consultation on the preferred strategy stage of the Waste and Minerals Core Strategy.


(2)       That ECSOSC notes the progress made on the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Development Framework.


(3)       That ECSOSC notes the publication of the Preferred Strategy and associated Sustainability Appraisal for a six-week period of consultation which commenced on 21 October 2009.




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