Issue - items at meetings - Overview and Scrutiny Commission's Work Programme

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Issue - meetings

Overview and Scrutiny Commission's Work Programme

Meeting: 08/09/2009 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 33)

33 Overview and Scrutiny Commission's Work Programme pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Additional documents:


33.1    The Commission noted its work programme and the Chairman asked for an additional item; Recovery of Council Tax Arrears, to be added.


33.2    Councillor Mitchell asked if there had been a change in the Council’s approach to recovery of arrears, or a different tone or emphasis was being taken in communicating with people.  Members questioned whether residents’ circumstances were properly taken into account at a time of financial hardship, and what help and advice was available. It was agreed to ask for a report.


33.3    RESOLVED; that the Commission request a report on the recovery of council tax arrears.



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