Issue - items at meetings - Strengthening Local Democracy - government consultation

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Issue - meetings

Strengthening Local Democracy - government consultation

Meeting: 08/09/2009 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 31)

31 Strengthening Local Democracy - Response to government consultation pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Report of the Acting Director of Strategy and Governance.

Additional documents:


31.1    The Head of Overview and Scrutiny presented the draft response to the Government consultation on Strengthening Local Democracy that would be considered by the 22 September Governance Committee.


31.2    It was agreed that the Committee would like to see universities in the list of bodies that can be subject to scrutiny committees. This point would be added to the consultation response from ECSOSC.


31.3    In discussing the draft response Members said adequate resourcing of scrutiny was important, as was the need to take scrutiny recommendations seriously.


31.4    RESOLVED; that subject to the addition of universities to the list of bodies that can be scrutinised, the draft response to the consultation questions (report Appendix 2) be agreed.


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