Decision - Library Service Review and Needs Analysis

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Decision details

Library Service Review and Needs Analysis

Decision Maker: Economic Development & Culture Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


32.1    The Chair noted there was a deputation in relation to this item from Christopher Hawtree; he invited Mr Hawtree to come forward and put his deputation to the Committee.


32.2    Mr Hawtree stated that there were many different uses of a library; as well as a source of books libraries were a means of daily discovery. Mr Hawtree asked for caution and that the Council not rush forward with any proposals to close Hove Library, instead improvements to the library in its current form were requested. The proposed consultation would be difficult to undertake as the plans were ‘slim’ and there was not enough information on how the museum would work as a trust. He went on to add that many people enjoyed the library and it should be something for Hove to be proud of. It was also noted that he had recently asked the Chair if he would set up a cross-party panel to look at ways to keep both the library and museum open, but he was yet to receive a response.


32.3    RESOLVED – That the Committee note the deputation.


32.4    The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive in relation to Library Service Review and Needs Analysis. The purpose of the report was to present the Committee with the results of the Library Service Review and Needs Assessment, and seek agreement for the process and timetable of public consultation on proposed changes to Library Services. The Committee also received an in-depth presentation on the future of the service from the Head of Library Services. The Chair thanked Officers for all the work that had been undertaken to date, and noted that changes to the service needed to be seen in the context of the financial challenge faced by the authority, other local authorities closed, outsourced and reduced the hours of operation of services. The aim was to ensure library services remained in house and improvements to services could be achieved whilst making reductions in costs. The Chair highlighted that the future plans proposed moving, not closing, Hove Library.


32.5    Councillor Robins thanked Officers for the report and noted the many areas of excellent work that the report highlighted and sought to achieve. He noted that just because Hove Library was purpose built this was not a reason in itself to retain the service from that location; like the Chair he highlighted that the service would be moved, not closed.


32.6    In response to queries from Councillor Peltzer Dunn the Head of Library Services explained pre-application advice had been sought and this had enabled the early plans to be shared with the Committee; the ethos of the consultation would be to involve the public to shape the service at Hove Library and ensure the new facility was fit for purpose; the report back to the March meeting of the Committee would have a much clearer idea of what residents wanted from their library service. Councillor Peltzer Dunn stated that he would be unable to support the report until he could be satisfied that residents would get the same level of service at the museum that they had come to expect at the Carnegie building.


32.7    Councillor Druitt thanked Officers for the comprehensive report, but queried the approach of looking at budgetary savings and service improvements together; instead believing these matters should be separate. In response to his queries the Head of Library Services explained that the review was about both saving money and improving the library service; the service was required to make savings in line with other services in the Council, and the report sought ways to deliver excellent services within these budget restraints. An Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) has already undertaken in relation to the Libraries Extra pilots and there would be a direct security feed and link to a member of staff in the library using this operational model. It was clarified that the report only sought permission to begin consultation at this stage as a means to explore all options. The Chair also confirmed that pre-consultation had taken place.


32.8    Councillor O’Quinn stated that the report evidenced the commitment of the Council to library services, and she felt that the notion of moving Hove library was sensible to make better use of the museum building and help create a community hub.


32.9    Councillor Yates noted that it was clear the Carnegie building was much loved and valued by those that used it, but he felt the financial positon was very clear and the authority needed to deliver high quality services that were value for money.


32.10  In response to questions from Councillor C. Theobald the Head of Library Services explained that the service was in discussions with Children’s Services about the potential to move Hollingbury Library, and further work on this would form part of the consultation process. Assurance was given that affected Ward Councillors would be kept informed.


33.11  In response to Councillor Greenbaum the Head of Library Services explained that in relation to the potential trust status of the museum, close work would be undertaken with Museums; a contribution would be made to the running costs, but the service would be seamless.


33.12  Councillor Morris noted that it was perfectly normal for any developer to seek pre-application planning advice.


33.13  Councillor Nemeth noted his sympathy with many of the points made in the debate; he stated that before he could agree to the provision being moved he would expect to see further information on the proposals for the future use of the Carnegie building; currently he could not support the proposals in the report.


33.14  The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote:




1)        That the Committee notes the content of the Library Service Review and Needs Analysis report


2)        That the Committee agrees the consultation process and timetable for proposed changes to modernise the Libraries Service as set out in section 5 below.

Report author: Ross Keatley

Publication date: 12/11/2015

Date of decision: 12/11/2015

Decided at meeting: 12/11/2015 - Economic Development & Culture Committee

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